They Fucked

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Jeon Jungkook. The so called 'bad boy' of the school. His hair is raven-coloured and long, falling softly over the corners of his eyes. It looks soft and fluffy, but don't let that fool you. His face and body features are god-like. His jawline is sharp and pointed, one touch with your finger and blood would be dripping from it, no joke. His eyes are large and doe-like; hazel in colour and his teeth are pearly white.

His body is amazing. He has a muscular frame, abs (which were shown when he'd wear his see-through shirts), arm muscles, leg muscles and colossal thighs. Anyone would be lying if they said they hadn't dreamed about riding Jungkook's thighs, they were definitely the most muscular thighs anyone has ever seen. And we can't forget his thick ass that stuck out all the time from his leather pants.

Anyway. Enough about him.

Jungkook walked down the halls of the aged school. He arrived late like he usually does... He doesn't mean to be late, but he does. I opened the door and shut it again, trapping the straps of my bag in the door. I stood there embarrassed as I opened the door again and pulled the strap out, letting the object slowly shut itself.
"Mr Jeon, you're late... again." Miss Bird said, her arms crossed as she tapped her foot on the floor which got extremely irritating.
"Jacking it off in the toilet, Miss. Would you like to join next time?" Jungkook said as he dragged his chair out and sat in it.
"Please stay after class, you too, Mr Kim." Miss Bird said, still tapping her feet on the floor.
"Why do I have to stay behind?" Jennie shouted.
"Jennie, you're not a Mister." She snapped back, clearly frustrated.
"I could be, you shit head." Jennie mumbled, embarrassed that she referred to herself as 'Mr Kim'.
"Jennie, you're a fucking idiot." Jungkook said jokingly. "Mr Kim, as in Kim Taehyung. The only Mr Kim in here."
"That's enough! Now take notes, we're watching a thirty minute clip on Judaism, pay attention. I want atleast fifteen notes..." Miss Bird mumbled a few word after, as if she was praying to the gods to get her out of this lesson.


After the lesson, everyone stood up from their seats and took their leave. Everyone apart from Jungkook and Taehyung.

Miss Bird came to the front of the class with a stern expression, Taehyung looked like he was about to soil his pants and his face was pale; Jungkook leaned back in his chair with an amused expression.

"Mr Jeon. According to this record, you are failing all of your classes." She said, looking directly into Jungkook's eyes. "So I decided to get you a tutor. Thankfully, Taehyung would love to help you with your studies."
Jungkook side-eyed Taehyung, giving a death glare whilst Taehyung sat shrinking in his seat and playing with his fingers.
"Miss, I don't need a tutor. I'm fully capable of studying by myself." Jungkook said, standing and picking up his bag from underneath the table.
"Jeon Jungkook, you will sit down right now. I'm not finished." Miss Bird said as Jungkook rolled his eyes and plodded back into his seat. "Actually, I have nothing else to say. But you two will study with each other at least twice a week."
Jungkook sighed once again and stood back up sending another glare to Taehyung as he walked out.

When both boys got out of the classroom, Jungkook slammed Taehyung on to the wall.
"Do you mind? I want to go home." Taehyung said, annoyed.
"You're not fucking tutoring me." Jungkook spat.
"You're acting as if I want to tutor you. The only thing you'd do is copy me, but no! My dad's fucking reputation means more than what I want to do." Taehyung shouted, trying to escape Jungkook's hold.
"Well, don't think I'm actually going to come to your house to study... because I'm not." The raven-haired boy stood, hands still on either side of Taehyung.
"Oh yes you are, in fact, we can have one now!" Taehyung cockily smiled, grabbing Jungkook's hand and pulling him.
"Erm, what? No-"
"Shut the fuck up Jungkook."

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