Chapter 3 - Feyre

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 In the box is a stunning High Fae with golden locks cushioned around her head. Her eyes are closed, as if she was sleeping, or, more likely, unconscious. Everything below her neck was... I didn't have words for it. She had been mauled.

She is clothed in a shift covered in blood, ripped and torn and tattered, the girl herself not looking much better off. Cut, bruises, and scars of all sizes and severity adorn her. If this is her front, I shudder to see her back.

Mor gasps in horrification and reaches carefully towards the woman. Quickly, Rhys and Amren assist Mor in healing her injuries, starting with the brutal slashes to her stomach. After that, they patch up both legs and arms.

I rush forward to help Rhys and Mor gently lift this woman out of the box. We lay her gently on the table back up, Rhys banishing the iron box to some unknown pocket realm for the moment being.

If it is possible, her back is worse than the rest of her body combined. Deep lacerations adorn it, and thousands of other scars line her back, as if she had been whipped. In fact, some of the less severe cuts looked to be from a whip. A very faded tattoo may have lain over them at some point, but it was now long gone.

I shudder in horror. Her back has been mutilated. I join my powers with Rhys, Mor, and Amren, but even with the four of us healing her back, we're still only partway done before my strength starts to flag.

I can see the same problem showing on the other's faces too. "We'll have to just focus on the the main ones for now, and patch the rest up later," I wince.

The others nod, and we finish the rest of the major cuts before Azriel gently binds the remaining wounds.

"Carry her to a guest room," Rhys orders quietly, raw pain and anguish lacing his words. None of us argue, Cassian and Azriel quickly transporting this strange female to a guest room.

Once they return, Rhys and I share a glance. We need to leave someone, if not multiple people here to guard the girl. And due to the winnowing restrictions on the palace, that can only be Rhys, Mor, or I.

"Let me stand watch first," I rasp, my breathing tight due to the power I expended healing the strange High Fae female.

"You're exhausted. Let me take first watch so you can get some sleep," Rhys suggests, but I shake my head. He used more power than me, if anything he should be the one to rest.

Mor sighs, interrupting the battle brewing between my mate and I.

"Why don't you both take the first watch, since we're all tired, and I'll take the second watch alone since I'll be refreshed, and we can trade off in singles from there.

I almost reject, but I figure Rhys and I will just continue fighting, and, I have to admit, Mor's solution makes sense.

You're too stubborn, Rhys teases.

I snort, making sure he hears it, and reply, Please. You're the stubborn one, you prick.

I snicker and turn away, shutting off our silent conversation. I can hear Rhys's cry of outrage from where he's standing across the room.

Rhys and I give our silent goodbyes to the rest, and I let him cuddle me as we walk to the room where Az and Cassian left the girl.

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