Chapter 23 - Aelin

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Aelin groaned, stretching on the bed, her arm accidentally whacking her mate. Oops.

    Last night had been... Aelin had no words for it. It had been short though, in anticipation of today's battle.

    Getting up, Aelin padded over to the wardrobe, grabbing her pair of Illyrian leathers.  She had to admit she liked the clothing, and without her black suit, this would do.

    Rowan grumbled something incoherent about the time.  Aelin snapped over her shoulder, "Get up, you lazy *ss.  Morath, remember?"

    Aelin heard her mate begrudgingly get out of bed, but Aelin did not turn to look as she fingered the pommel of Goldryn.

    Rowan had returned her sword to her last night at Aelin's request.  The ruby pommel glowed brightly in the darkness.

    A star in the dark.

    I am Aelin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius, and I am not afraid.

    The battlements were already crowded in anticipation of the day's battle when Aelin and her mate arrived.

    They quickly sought out her court. Aedion was commanding soldiers, Lysandra debating with Gavriel whether they should be fighting as beasts or humans, Lorcan just being as grumpy and moody as always.

    Elide was nowhere to be seen.  Aelin assumed she was helping out the healers.

    The allies Aelin had gathered, Ansel, Ilias, Galan, and Nox Owens? He made eye contact and walked over.

    "Celaena," he greeted, "or Aelin, I suppose."

    Aelin nodded, smirking. "Nox.  Seems like you took my advice."

    He laughed. "You won."

    Aelin winced. "Let's not mention that little battle when I'm technically currently fighting them."

    Nox gave her a cheeky grin. "It's as good to see you as always, Celaena." And he walked away.

    Aelin shook her head, minorly confused.  Why was Nox Owens here?

    "It's nice to see you confused for once," Rowan said, rubbing her back with his hand.  He merely got smacked for that comment.

    Aelin made to turn to her cousin and ask where she was needed on the battlements when Aelin spotted a familiar group walking towards their large group.

    "Rhysand, Feyre, Cassian, Azriel, Mor," Aelin greeted.  "I don't believe you've ever formally met my mate, Rowan."

    "I'm Rhys," the violet eyed male said. "This is my mate, Feyre, my spymaster, Azriel,my general Cassian, and my cousin Mor."

    Aedion grinned, walking over.  He stuck out his hand to Mor. "Aelin's cousin, Aedion," he said. "We'll have to compare notes on being cousins sometime."

    Mor gave a grin, "It'll be my honor."

    "What can we do?" Rhys asked hastily.

    Aelin laughed, knowing he had asked before any embarrassing stories could come out. "Try to cover the siege towers. Morath will undoubtedly use them today, and it helps the men's morale."

    The Night Court nodded, taking up positions along the battlement.  Aelin noted that they spread out, not all clumping in one place.  Smart.

    Far out in the distance, Morath's horns began to blow. Slowly, the Valg advanced across the Plains of Theralis.  To Aelin's horror, there were six - six siege towers.

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