Chapter 14 - Aedion

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Aedion glanced around the war camp, eyes running over the men as they prepared for the battle about to take place.

The Valg demons marched steadily forward. Terrasen's allies, Aelin's allies, were already pressed up against the walls. Most of the forces had managed to make it inside the city during darkness.

Hopefully though, Erawan's forces didn't know that, and they would be able to catch the Valg demons by surprise. Gods only knew the help they'd need in this war.

Especially with the news Rowan had brought last week. Aedion remembered that dreadful night only too well.

He had just been finishing up a meeting when Rowan and the others had emerged from the forest.

The shock and numbness he'd felt when Rowan had announced his news.

That his cousin was dead.


Aelin was dead.

And this time for real.

Lysandra had shoved her way forward to ask if Rowan had checked, even though the mating bond had gone silent.

Rowan had nodded, added that Cairn had been there, and was now not in this realm permanently. Maeve hadn't been in Doranelle though, and that was that.

Aedion had promised Aelin himself that he would fight until his dying breath. And he planned to, just not the dying part.

Morath's horn rang out, and Aedion checked his battered and bruised equipment one more time. Terrasen's armies sure had taken a beating.

But Orynth was still under siege. And Aedion needed to stop it. Despite the allies Aelin had gathered, the odds seemed to be getting worse day by day.

Especially when the Ironteeth appeared, which was timed for about a week from now. Thankfully, two of the three witch towers had already been destroyed, but the third was more than enough to turn the tide.

To make matters worse, there was no news on Manon and Dorian. Aedion had no idea on how either of their missions was going. Gods, what he would give to have the young king and his raw magic with him.

There was no news from the Southern Continent and any forces Chaol and Nesryn could bring.

Time was running short for both options, since the Valgs' forces only grew larger, with dark, brutish, and strange monsters joining their forces every day.

But Aedion would not give up. Never. Even as the army of Morath charged the gates of Orynth.

A/N Short chapter, I know!  Sorry these last set have been fillers and I promise to get to the interesting things soon.

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