Thank you

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Thank you to everyone who has read this story.

Thank you to those who voted, @MichSif, @mundomixer, @Ch3rry28, @Leppra, @aliza-zara08, @xxVelaris, @amazing1gracie,  and @SarcasticPotatoE.

Thank you to those who commented, @mundomixer, @Ch3rry28, @nikolkaja, @spookyjimbo,  and @SarcasticPotatoE.

Thank you to those who added this to their reading list,  @AudsalKang,  @Beautifulsnow724,  @aliza-zara08, @Leppra, @xxVelaris, @RowaelinXFeysand46, @blackbeak666, and @vanilla-princess.

I really enjoyed writing this as a whole, but it really made me feel like my writing actually deserved reading when all of you entered my journey.  Alas, somehow, after only a month, that journey is now at an end.

This is my first time sharing my writing with anyone outside of my family, friends, and teachers, and it made me feel honored to discover an online community here where people actually cared about the books I read.

I am excited to announce that now that this is done, I will at some point start a new story on here.  I am not quite sure yet what it will be, but I think I will make a foray into the overwritten Percy Jackson's a wizard fanfiction.  Please look out for that soon!



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