Chapter 2: Hugs for Greetings

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Amelia's POV:

The final school bell rang, and I couldn't help but feel absolutely relieved; today was a peaceful day. I managed to successfully avoid interacting with just about everyone except Rhea who was my partner in a physics project and an okay person; she doesn't pry too much nor ask for too much. 

I was mentally setting a list of all the homework due next week so I could take the books out of my locker when that same locker's door was slammed shut painfully loud in the semi-empty hallways.

I shrieked in surprise, impulsively placing a hand on my chest. 

I looked up to find no other than Tara standing there leaning against another locker, "Tara, stop doing that you scared me." I mumbled fumbling with my bag's strap. 

"You've been avoiding me." She stated, matter-of-factly, "why?" 

It was true, I was avoiding her, but in my defence I wasn't only avoiding her, I was avoiding humans altogether. 

"No I wasn't."

"Amelia, you were, cut it out, anyway we're going out tonight, join us?" Tara's eyes held the mischievous glint, and I knew that I didn't need to further inquire about where that outing was, it was way too obviously a party. 

"Who even is 'we'?" I asked, slightly pushing her away to reopen my locker. 

"Evan, James, Monica, Adriana, honestly Amelia does it matter?" Tara spoke exasperatedly.

I barely spoke to any of those people; they were Tara's friends not mine because Tara was a social butterfly and I wasn't, but really I sometimes wonder why does she try dragging me along – we weren't even that close.

I wasn't close to anyone, just acquaintances. 

"Thank you very much for the invitation, but I already have guests coming over tonight and I can't bail." I said, sending a silent prayer up to the heavens for giving me a proper excuse other than 'parties aren't my scene, really.' 

Tara sighed, "you're boring," and that was enough for her to push herself off the lockers and find someone else to hog. At least she wasn't pushy when it came to such matters, it made Tara a lot more bearable than quite about everyone else in her circle.

She was halfway down the hallway and I was done taking my books out when she turned one last time to holler, "It's at James Ramonds'! He'd really love it if you can actually make it!"

My confusion spiked, why would my presence even matter?

James and I weren't even friends, I only spoke to him a few times when he comes around to say Hi when I'm sitting with Tara, and it's mostly a greeting for her.

I shook my head, retrieved my bag, and started the 40 minutes walk back home. I knew that I could easily still catch the bus if I rushed to the stop now, but I really did despise using it. 


I deeply regretted walking back home.

It was almost summer and the weather wasn't very helpful in this case; I felt dehydrated, light-headed and overall fatigued to say the least. 

Mom heard the slam of the front door and was immediately on her way to greet me.

I heard her before I even saw her, "Amelia what took you so long! Were you out with friends -" Mom's words were short-lived when her eyes landed on my flushed, sweaty face. 

"Oh god, it's 39 degrees outside, Amelia are you insane, come here." Mom took my bag - with minimal resistance on my part - and lead me upstairs to my room. 

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