Chapter 10: Staying the Night

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Amelia's POV:

I heard it, per usual, the soft jazz music jostling me lightly awake.

I smiled, now having someone to imagine my Friday Jazz with. My brain instead of wandering to thoughts about love and whether I'll ever find it or not wandered to thoughts about Damien and how I imagined him dancing with me softly in the hall.

I padded my way downstairs, taking in the familiarity of the routine, humming the rhythmic beats.

"Good morning, Amelia." Mom greeted, as dad placed an arm around her shoulder drawing her closer, she momentarily giggled placing her head softly against his shoulder.

I felt warm inside knowing that sometimes love lives on for ages.

I greeted them back, settling on the couch, "go on, don't let my presence stop you." I giggled, pulling my knees up to my chest, smiling fondly at them.

They laughed, not waiting to be told twice before taking the chance and dancing away now completely oblivious to my own presence.

I looked down at my phone to find a single message from Damien, and instantly - I felt my heart flutter. It's been almost three weeks since Damien and I got together, and my heart is yet to get accustomed to him. My body still seems to react the same way it did the first time I laid eyes upon him.

'The night shift was lonely, come over?'

I felt a warm feeling bubbling around in the pit of my stomach as I read his message, biting my lips to suppress the giggle that was threatening to break past because I imagined his tired face, and the cute pout he sports.

'It's too early, get some rest, I'll come over after noon.' I typed back - much against my own desire - but I knew that I wouldn't have an illegible excuse to go out at 6:20 am.

His text came back almost immediately, 'I need you to come help me sleep. Keep me warm.'

I was finding it extremely hard to suppress my laughs because of his antics, 'are you sure you're not a teenage boy?' I shifted momentarily on the couch, drawing my knees even closer to me.

'I'm a man, Amelia.' I knew he was, he definitely was. 'Fine, I'll sleep now, come over whenever, you have the keys.'

I sent him an apologetic text, knowing that Damien was probably disappointed, maybe even slightly angry, but he didn't reply. A part of me didn't expect him to - I'd grown to notice more and more of him and the way he reacts to things as time progresses by. I also knew that I'd have to go the extra mile to apologize and maybe even make it up to him.

I felt slightly dejected, but I knew I couldn't take rash decisions, I didn't want to get caught. I was sure Damien too knew that, but he was finding it extremely hard for the past couple of days to control himself. I even took to avoiding him altogether around my parents because his actions have grown to be awfully precarious and uncalculated - perhaps he always says he knows what he's doing, but I can't help but always still feel uncomfortable and immoral whenever he tries being subtly unchaste when my parents are around. I trusted him - more than anything in this world - but in this particular issue, I always grew weary; he - too - would grow weary of having to deal with my conservative nature and fright of thrills. He'd sometimes even yell when we're alone, but I always took to kissing him softly to calm him down, and it always works.

'I'll be there before you know it.' I typed again, locking my phone.

"Hey baby, who are you texting so early?" Mom asked, plopping on the couch next to me, dad occupying the spot on my opposite side.

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