Chapter 20: Pressing Charges

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Damien's POV:

Sandpaper; that's how my throat felt like when I regained consciousness, perhaps not only my throat, but also my limbs because mobility seemed to be a tedious act.

My face felt awfully numb, and it took me several moments to recall the previous night's events, perhaps again - I believed oblivion to be a bliss because the sombre memory did nothing but make me visibly shudder.

My heart - too - felt numb, the emotions I felt surpassing my threshold, and now all I felt was a deep seated void in my chest.

I didn't expect Noah's reaction, never in a million years, I didn't know he still had this strength in him, maybe because after all those years, Noah has changed considerably; becoming more rational, calmer, wiser, and more responsible - unlike my own self - so seeing him bounce back to a carnal state of testosterone pumped violence was something I was unprepared for.

I deserved it, I knew I did, perhaps my unwillingness to fight back too stemmed from my belief that I really was every sick word Noah hurled my way in his livid state. I was willing to let him release the tension, anger and frustration he harboured towards me, but at a point, I lost my decisiveness in this decision because I felt awfully weak, drowsy and in pain.

I hated the fact that Amelia had to witness her father's extreme shift and having to witness me get pummelled to a near death, I hated appearing weak in front of her, but a part of me knew she'd never forgive me if I hit her father back, after all, we were the ones worthy of punishment not Noah.

I groaned, resting on my elbows in an attempt to hitch myself upwards, my fingertips aching to snatch a cup of water.

I was just placing my now empty glass on the bedside table - my throat feeling less coarse - when the door was opened, and Rosana walked in.

I slumped, unready to deal with Rosana's sultry antics. "Hey Damien." She smiled, inviting herself into the room and into the empty seat beside my bed, "you look in pain."

I laughed humorlessly, shifting around to get into a semi-comfortable position, "because I am in pain, Rosana."

"Your face looks messed up, but somehow you're still attractive, makes you look rugged." She giggled, placing a hand softly to my shoulder. I tensed, feeling my muscles lock frivolously in discomfort.

I gave her a tight lipped smile, unsure how to reply. A tense silence fell upon us, her hand was still touching my shoulder, and I - too - was tense.

"What happened?" She asked, now moving her hand in massaging circles. I flinched, scooting away unable to feel her touch any longer. I saw the way her face fell, disappointment etched, but I knew that this look - I could bare staring at on Rosana's face, not on my Amelia's.

"The police brought you in, they want you in for questioning when you're better, what happened?" She asked again, this time effectively drawing my attention.

"Questioning?" I asked, feeling my stomach turn queasy with my nerves, a feeling I'm barely associated with.

"Nina said it was something related to pressing charges and something else that the police officer didn't say, but she said it seems big."

I cursed, rubbing a hand forcefully to my face as I felt the banging in my head intensify. I wasn't an idiot, I could easily do the math, and I knew what the big thing was.

Amelia's birthday was next month, two days before she supposedly departs to Pennsylvania; that was the plan, she wouldn't be a fucking minor when we leave together. I didn't understand how everything could go downhills so fast, I almost laughed at the irony of the situation because we got caught at the most unexpected of times, we didn't even know it was possible at the time being.

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