The Date

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For as long as I have known her, Judy was never the 'dating' type. She was always focused on her work and she never even thought about it, however, sitting in her apartment as she sat nervously, I can see these thoughts had changed. The bunny was in love, and having that thought made me chuckle, because she was terrified. Her. Judy Hopps, was nervous as can be.

I guess I should be happy for her. A part of me is, but there is another part of me that feels bad, hurt even, because it's not me that the bunny has fallen head over heels for. It's that smooth talking rabbit that we got landed with at the precinct. I still remember the day he first joined our crew at the ZPD, and to be honest, I didnt like him. Even his name sent a tingle of anger down my spine. Jack Savage.

"Nick?" Judy called from her bathroom," How exactly should a fist date begin?"

I couldn't help but chuckle. Though I wish it were me taking Judy out on this date, I can tell how excited the bunny is and her happiness is enough for me. Even if I have to suffer," Carrots, just be yourself. If Jack is the right male, he will know what to do. It is the males job to plan the date, and it is the females job to just show up."

I could hear Judy sigh as she exited the bathroom wearing a dark red dress," I look like I'm covered in blood."

" I think your beautiful," I said with a smile," I promise you, Jack will be stunned."

I could have sworn I saw Judy blush madly at my comment, which I expected," Thank you, Nick. I dont know how i could have done it without you."

"That's what friends are for," I stated, giving Judy a friendly hug," I better get going. You be careful, Carrots."

"I always am."

With that, I made my leave, evidently running into Jack in the parking lot," What are you doing here?" The rabbit asked.

I sighed and said," Jack, trust me you have nothing to worry about. I'm actually happy I ran into you. Look, I'm gonna give it to you straight, this is Car- I mean, Judy's first, and she was nervous. I came to give friendly advise. Look, I'm going to be honest with you, I wasn't too stocked about working with you, but I think your starting to grow on me. Jack, I've never asked a mammal in this whole world for anything, but I need you to do me a favor."

Jack raised a brow and said," What's that?"

"Please dont hurt her. Judy is the only family I have, and I dont want to see her heart get broken. If you really want to be with her, then cherish her heart. It's a big heart, so you might have troubles keeping it together, but at least try. For me."

The rabbit, for the first time sense we met, gave me a friendly smile and said," I will, partner."

I smiled, satisfied with the answer and got into my car. All I had to do now was wait for Judy to spam my phone about how her night went.

Judy and Jack had just returned to Judy's apartment after, what Judy thought, was a successful date. She wore a smile on her face that she had caught Jack looking at a few times.

"I had a nice time," Judy admitted," I admit I was a little on edge about this date, but something about you made me comfortable about it."

Jack smiled and said," Well, I'm glad to hear that. I had an amazing time as well."

Judy smiled and gave the bunny a kiss on the cheek," Perhaps you would like to join me and Nick tomorrow at his place. We have a movie night every saterday and if you want make our...relationship a regular thing, I would want nothing more than for you to be there."

"I'd be honored," Jack said with a smile," I think Nick is starting to grow on me. It took a while to understand him, but we are slowly beginning to get Along."

"That's great to hear," The bunny smiled," Because you two, and my dad, are my favorite males in this world, so I want all of you to like eachother."

Jack then surprised Judy by kissing her lips softly and saying," I think I'm in love with you, Judy."

Judy almost started to cry as she said," I love you too."

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow evening"


"Ok, cottontail. You get some sleep."

Judy nodded her head," Goodnight, Jack."

Judt then exited the car and hurried into her apartment, changing into sleeping clothes and grabbing her phone to text Nick about the date. Needless to say, It was a LONG message.

AN- hey guys. So, I know you read my stories for WildeHopps, but..I think I want to give Jack a chance. Who knows, maybe hes a good guy. I guess time will tell. Till next time.....

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