Giving up

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AN- Ok. Here is it. Been a while sense I posted a shorter chapter. Oh well. Hope you guys like it.

Nick Wilde had made a promise long ago that he was never gonna let anyone see that they got to him. Yet, when a bunny walked into his life at that ice cream shop, he found that all of that had changed.

It was with this bunny that Nick could let his true self show. He could be vulnerable around her, and not be afraid that she would hurt him. He knew she wouldnt. Judy had a heart of gold, and that is what he loved most about the bunny.

13 missed calls. 15 ignored texts. The fox had tried hard to get the bunny to at least talk to him. To try and fix what he had broken. Things were finally going so well. His life seemed to have fallen into the right place, and these broken shards of glass inside of him were finding their place, and forming back into what was once his heart.

Now, however, it seemed as though he was back to Square one. He had no one.

Nick had stepped out of their team at the ZPD, asking the chief to put him on a something easy. Reason for this was because the only reason he had joined the force was for Judy. Because, unlike all the other mammals, she believed in him. Now, without her, it felt pointless, but he would allow himself to quit.

Nick was placed in records. It was simple enough, and he could work alone. Something the fox was very happy for. Many days, he would stay within his own thoughts.

Nick hadn't spoken to anyone but Finnick in two weeks. Finnick said that this would take time, but at this point, Nick didnt think that day was coming.
More missed calls. Judy rolled her eyes as she put the phone down and looked to Jack," You done with those reports yet?"

"Almost there," Jack said with a chuckle," You know....its wierd not having Nick here to crack his jokes."

The bunny groaned," Jack, let's focus on work."

Truth be told, Judy did miss Nick, and she couldnt stop thinking about him. He kissed her. Why would he do that? That is the question Judy had had in her head sense that night.

"I'm gonna get us some more coffee," Jack said, getting up," Ypu need anything?"

"No, I'm fine," Judy said.

Jack nodded his head and left the cubicle, leaving Judy alone.

The bunny's phone then rang again. She knew it wasnt going to stop. She might as well give in now, and end it for good. Judy answered the call," What do you want?"

"Judy...I just wanted to talk."

"Its too late for that, Nick," Judy said coldly," Quit calling me. Quit calling Jack. Quit calling Sky. You need to understand that what you did...what the hell were you thinking?"

"I dont know," Nick said," Judy, I dont know what I was thinking. All i know is that i cannot lose you. I cant lose any of you. I just want to fix this."

"You cannot fix this, Nick!" Judy said coldly,"This cannot be fixed, Nick. So stop calling everyone. You're just embarrassing yourself."

Nick then became silent," Ok. I'll stop. I'm sorry, Judy. I just hope your happy."

Nick then ended the call, and Judy was...hurt. The bunny put her head down and let a single tear fall from her face.
Sky Sat on Finnicks couch. She wasnt doing anything. The TV wasnt on. Her phone was in her room. There wasnt even a book in her lap. The vixen just sat there.

Honestly, it was hard to watch Finnick see everyone like this. If anyone was to be blamed for this, it was him. He is the one that made that stupid dare knowing how Nick felt about Judy. Finnick knew he had to do something to fix this.

The short fox decided to begin with Sky. She was family, so she would be easy to help.

"Sky....we need to talk," Finnick said, taking a seat beside his cousin," About...what happened."

"I dont want to talk about it," Sky said," Ypu told me before I even spoke to Nick that he had a thing for Judy...I just thought that would change."

Finnick looked down," Sky, Nick did care about you, deeply. He never EVER wanted to hurt you."

"Then why did he kiss HER," Sky said," If he was supposed to 'love' me, why did he kiss Judy?"

"I didn't say Love," Finnick responded," Nick was with you because, after Jack came into the picture, he wanted to get over Judy. He wanted to stop loving her. However, you and I both know love will always find a way of breaking loose. I understand how you felt about Nick, and I know what he did hurt you, but he didnt want this. He didnt want any of this."

"So what? I'm just supposed to forgive him? Go on with life like nothing happened?"

Finnick grined," Maybe find the silver lining to the situation."

"And just what is that?" Sky asked.

"Well, you can find a mammal who IS in love with you. You can have a life with someone who wants to be with you."

Sky took a second of thought, and said," I just need a little more time before I can face him."

Finnick nodded his head," I can understand that."

With that, the short fox left the room, leaving Sky alone with her thoughts.
After that call with Judy, Nick gave up. She was right. He needed to give up and realize what was done is done. The Fox had already packed a bag, and took his money from the bank. There was nothing left for him in Zootopia. There was no point on hanging around.

The fox took a look around his apartment. His larger items about ot be left time, and soon, be sold in a flea market. All he could do was shrug as he took his suitcase and left the complex. He couldn't even bare to say goodbye to Finnick. He didnt give Bogo a heads up. He wasnt going to tell his landlord that the $600 he just handed her was his final rent payment. Nick couldn't even bring himself to text Judy, Jack, or Sky.

Nicl Wilde just wanted to dissapear.

AN- How was it? I hope it was good enough. I understand how the last chapter may have....hit you. Will the next chapter be a little lighter?

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