Dumb Fox

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AN- Ok, guys. This chapter is short, and will hit you like a fucking train....but it's good for plot and rhay what matters to me.

Celebrating on a case well done is always something to be enjoyed. Nick, Judy, and Jack had completed a tough case, that that meant celebrating at Nick's apartment.

Finnick and Skye had joined as well, of course, and Judy and Jack showed up a little later.

"To solving the case," Nick said with joy, raising a shot glass. Everyone did the same and took their shot.

"How is your shoulder?" Sky asked the fox.

"Its fine," Nick chuckled," I'm still alive."

Jack began to laugh," I'll tell you this, I have never been in a chase like that. It was something to remember, indeed."

"You get used to it," Judy laughed.

The five continued talking and taking shot from Nick's alcohol stash, and by 10PM, everyone was pretty tipsy.

"So, what shall we do now?" Sly asked with a wide smile.

"I know what we are doing," Judy said, giving a devilish look to Nick," Truth or Dare, slacker."

"Oh, shit," Nick said with an almost shocked expression," Jude, last time we played this, I had a three day long hangover and woke up with dyed furr on my back."

Everyone gave a confused look, and Bick said," New years was a bitch."

"Ok. Ok. We wont get too crazy," The bunny laughed.

"Ok, then," Nick smiled," Dare."

"I dare you to to snort a line of sugar."

Nick looked a little worried," Are you serious?"

"What do you think this is? A game?"

The fox hesitated and made a line of sugar, taking the nearest straw, and allowing the chrystal substance to to into his nose. The fox immediately began to the sneeze and rub his nose. Finnick couldnt breath do to his laughter.

"Jesus, Carrots," Nick said, starting to smile," Ok. Jack. Truth or Dare?"

The bunny smiled," Truth."

Nick gave a demonic grin and asked," What does Judy do, that agrivates you, but she doesnt know it does."

Judy then gave a look toward the rabbit expectingly, and Jack started to stumble on his words," Well....sense it's part of the game....she sometimes kicks in her sleep."

"What so bad about that?" Judy asked, clueless, possibly due to the alcohol.

"You kicked me in the nether regions, fluff. Bloody shit hurt like hell."

Sky began to laugh, and Finnick put a paw on the bunny's shoulder," I am so sorry dude."

Jack chuckled and said," Sky, sense you think your so funny. Truth or dare?"

"Dare me," Sky said.

"I dare you to....hmmm.....lick inside of Nick's ear. WAIT! Scratch that. JUDYS EAR."

"I'm sorry, who is this dare for?" Judy said with a raised brow," They way I see it, I'm getting the short end of the stick."

"Sorry, sweetheart. It's a dare."

Judy and Sky groaned as the vixen walked to the bunny and began to lick the inside of her ear. From bottom to top.

Jack laughed, and Nick gave a hustling grin," I know damn sure Judy always keeps her ears clean, so Judy did get the short end of the stick on that one."

"Dont worry," Sky laughed," In time I'll get him back."

The fours took another drink and continued the game, Sky looking to Finnick," Oh FINNICK. Truth or DARE!"

The fox chuckled and said," I'll pick truth."

"Where did you lose your virginity?"

Nick spit out his current shot and began laughing, after the foxes laughing fit, Nick reached into his wallet and gave Sky a 10 dollar bill and then leaned in to hear the tale.

However, Finnick gave an amused face," In highschool. With my current girlfriend at the time. And it was in ypur bed."

Judy died of laughter, having all of her organs hurt as she continued laughing loudly.

"Truth or dare, Nick," Finnick asked

"Fuck it. Dare," the fox answered.

"Now, Nick," Finnick said with an evil smile," You want to put me on the spot. My turn. I dare you to kiss the prettiest female in the room."

Sky turned to the fox expectingly, and everyone looked to him as well, waiting for it to happen.

Blame instinct. Blame the drinking. Blame the fact that Nick Wilde is a dumb fox. But all of those reasons wouldnt have been a good excuse for what he did.

Nick leaned to the left and planted a kiss on Judy's lip, causing the whole room to go silent.

"Oh, that's fucked up," Finnicl said, breaking the silence, trying hard not to laugh.

Nick had finally realised what he did," Oh my god. Judy I am so sorry."

The bunny shook and head and got up, feeling confused, Sky was hurt, Jack was obviously pissed, and Finnick.....well he didnt know what to say.

"Carrots, please," Nick said going after her.

Jack stopped the fox," I think it would be best of you left her alone, Wilde."

"No," Nick said, pushing through the rabbit and running outside of the apartment, catching Judy before she got to her car," Judy, please. Stop."

The bunny turned around with what looked to be a tear in her eye," What the hell is wrong with you, Nick?"

The fox looked down," I dont know. Judy I dont know. Please, I'm sorry."

"No, Nick! Sky deserves the apology. Jack needs the apology. Finnick needs a punch to the jaw for thinking it was do damn funny. What I need, Nick, what I want, is for you to get the hell away from me."

The foxs heart crushed into pieces as Judy got into the car and sped off. Tears rolling down her face as she did. Honestly, the bunny didnt know what to think.

Nicl went back into the apartment to see Jack and Sky ready to leave," Jack-"

"Save it," Jack said walking to the door," Monday morning, either you change teams, or I am out."

"Sky, please," Nick said, trying to stop her," I didnt want to hurt you."

The vixen gave a cold look to him and said," You should have been honest with me. But I guess honestly isnt how you live, is it? You did hurt me Nick. I'm gone."

"Nick...um...I'm her ride, so I need to go too."

The fox lowered his head," What am I supposed to now?"

Finnick sighed and said," I don know, Nick. Just give it some time. Maybe this will blow over."

"And if it doesnt?"

Finnick didnt know how to answer that one. He just left the apartment. A broken fox standing in the middle of the room.

"Dammit, Nick," the fox said to himself as he felt a tear roll down his face. He lost...everyone. Everyone he cared about, gone in a flash. Why did he have to be such a dumb fox.

AN- Anyone who can comment the movie with inspired this part of the story is my new best friend FOREVER. Anyway, yes. Dumb fox Nick. Let's see how the story plays out NOW. till then...

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