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Virgils pov

   Roman stopped singing.

    And I don't know how to fix it.

    At first it was pleasant ,finally having quiet in the mind palace,but now... the house just feel empty without the constant show tunes echoing through the halls.It's too quiet.He's too quiet and now I'm worried.

   The other sides have noticed changes too.

    Logan said he noticed that Roman no longer protests to the comments about his work being ''unrealistic" now he just shrugs and reworks his plan to fit better,he became worried and began to watch him more closely and soon noticed that he had become much less dramatic in his hand movements and had dropped his more archaic  speech pattern.

    Patton once went into Romans room to bring him lunch(another worrying factor is he barely comes out to eat!)and apparently Roman sent him right back out saying"I don't have time for your distractions!"Before the change in him Roman would drop everything if one of us came in to talk to him,often remarking ''The world is a stage and when it is your time to take up the spotlight and shine I simply MUST be at full attention!"

    I miss that.

    I miss him.

    I miss the way his eyes lit up when he was performing no matter how small the stage.I miss the way he would stick his tongue out when he was thinking hard about what he was going to write next.I miss the midnight chats we had when neither of us could sleep.I miss the lopsided smile that he saved just for me.I miss the banter ,the nicknames ,the smug look on his face when he comes up with a new way to annoy me.His laugh,his tone voice, his hair brained schemes!

    I'd give anything to hear him call me emo nightmare again,and i don't know why!

...but I do know why.

   I didn't want to admit it t myself but...

   I think I'm in love with Roman .  

I need to talk to Patton.

I'm going to fix this.


I'm not quite sure? Just general angst?

I hope you guys liked my very first fanfic !It's kinda garbage.I am probably going to make this a two parter but it was mostly just a test so you guys can see my writing style.I would love to hear you theories about what is wrong with Roman!

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