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Human au+ soulmate au

Trigger warning: crying, a knife, that's about it 

Everyone has a soulmate. It's just a fact of life.You can tell because everyone has a red string that connects you and your soulmate.You would think that their would be something protecting theses crucial threads, something to make sure we stay connected to the person we are destined to be with but unfortunately fate is a cruel mistress so no such protection exists.

That beautiful red string that is supposed to lead you to the person who is made for you can break or more cruelly it can be cut. News of soulmate strings being cut make it to the news almost daily. These  soul crimes even have their own court to help charge those horrible people who dare mess with fate their dues.

Although these crimes were so common no one really thought it would happen to them.Virgil never thought it would happen to him.

Virgil was oh so wrong.

It all started with a girl named Julia. Julia was Virgil's friend.They had met in their 3rd period science class and were lab partners so they grew pretty close. Over time Julia developed a little crush on Virgil and one day she decided to confess. Virgil not wanting to hurt her feelings said he felt the same.I mean what's the worst that could happen, he thought, she was a sweet girl what could go wrong?

A lot apparently.

Soon after the two got together Virgil came to a "shocking" conclusion.He was very very gay. This did not bode well as he was now in the possession of a girlfriend.Virgil decided that he owed it to her to admit this so she didn't grow attached.

This plan did not pan out as aspected.Julia's little crush was less of a crush and more of an obsession. Over their short friendship she had begun to stalk him and even deluded herself into thinking the affection was returned after mere days of knowing him. So when Virgil pulled her behind the school after class she was not prepared for her " boyfriend" to break up with her. Now she finally had a use for that little blue pocketknife she carried around all year.

She cut his string.  

If she couldn't have him no one would.

Without another word she walked off leaving Virgil to crumble alone. Virgil never thought much about finding his soulmate. He thought that if he never found his soulmate it wouldn't be that bad. He never pegged himself as a romantic but when you're destiny is ripped right out of your hands it has got to hurt.

Before Virgil knew it he was crying. Not the kind of crying that is pretty and clean but the ugly gasping crying that makes your heart ache and you head swim. He didn't know what to do so he did the first thing that came to mind. 

He called his best friend Roman.

Roman was one of the poor people born without a soulmate. Being born without a soulmate is seen as some sort of curse by most. Roman's parents were very superstitious folks so hearing this made them act less than kind towards their youngest son. Roman being a die hard hopeless romantic but not having someone he was supposed to love combined with his parents insistence that him not having a soulmate made him unlovable made him rather uncomfortable with the thought of soulmates. Despite this thought when his best friend(and crush) called him in tears mumbling something about soulmates he immediately rushed over.

"Oh heavens! Virge what happened ?" Roman said upon finding his friend curled up behind the school crying. Roman kneeled down in front of Virgil when he noticed something missing. Virgil string was gone. The coveted string that whenever he looked at Virgil made him want to throw up.The string that all but proved that he would never be the one for Virgil was gone. But with that wretched string went Virgil's happiness.

Virgil looked terrible. Tears stained his face, his nose was running and his hair was a matted mess .But all Roman saw was his pain. He could ask what happened to the cursed string later but right now he needed to comfort his friend.

"Oh Virgil I'm so sorry..." Roman whispered as he pulled Virgil into a much needed hug.He knew the pain not having a soulmate caused. This was when the flood gates really opened. Virgil sobbed and Roman held him .He sobbed and gasped and cried till he had no more tears to cry and Roman held him. Roman held him in his arms as though he was a precious treasure that needed to be protected. And when those tears finally dried Roman held him still.

Virgil opened his eyes after some time and pulled back from the hug. "Thank you Roman." Virgil said wiping his nose with his sleeve. " No problem Nightmare " Roman said reaching out and rubbing his thumb over Virgil's cheek. "Anything for you." Roman said with a sad smile.

At that moment Virgil's heart set a fire and a brilliant red string formed connecting him to the smiling boy before him.

Maybe fate wasn't so cruel after all.

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