The trials of the hearts true illness:love

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Trigger warnings:major character deaths, sadness,crying,blood,brief gore description 

This is tale of the most famed poet in all of our fair kingdoms history.There are many truths that are open to the masses but in turn there are many falsehoods.Was he really a wizards appreciate?Did he truly take a fey as his wife?Was he really taken in by dragons?Hopefully this text will clarify the honest and full truths of this mans short but enchanting life.

Virgil August Mason was born to a poor family but was quickly orphaned by the age of 3 and spent the earliest memories living in a nunnery along the coast.At the age of seven a Snake oil salesman and his "business partner " rolled into town.In truth the two were much closer than just business partners and historians thoroughly debate the nature of their relationship but for the sake of our story it isn't important.The snake oil salesmen who refused to reveal his true name to anyone but his "partner " was often called Deciet due to his sly nature and rather unfortunate birthmarks.The mans partner on the other hand managed to be much more strange.He was rather short and Virgil quickly overtook him in height.His completion was fairly greenish and though he always looked rather sickly he maintained a constant stream or erratic decisions that were always left for Deciet and Virgil to clean up.

Over time the three grew close and formed a solid and warm family unit.Durring this time Virgil was first introduced to the concept of poetry and his love for it really began.They traved all over the lands pedaling their wears and "healing "  the sick.This went on for many years until Deciet and his "partner " were arrested for Selling counterfeit potions and presenting them as magical in nature when they were in reality nothing but overpriced tea.

This event left Virgil orphaned once again and at the age of 17 he ran off to make a name for himself and to buy back his surrogate parents freedom.In his solo travels he came across a small town myth about the neighboring forest.The small woodland patch was supposed to be home to a fey colony.They rumored of it being filled to the brim with the magical creatures but when Virgil pressed for more information it soon became apparent that no one had actually been brave enough to go into the forest for decades.

Now Virgil had a "quest" and his more high strung father would say.He was sure if he when into the forest and captured one of these creatures he might be able to sell it to one of the many freak shows he encountered and use the money to bail them out!Virgil packed his bags with haste,making sure not to leave behind the plaid coat Deciet had sewn for him by had and began his journey.

During his entry into the forest he took an effort to painstakingly write down every detail of the forest in the hopes that he could tell the world of the small forest that was supposedly full of fey but unfortunately for him his words never escaped the woods,or at least not in his own hands.From the outside the forest looked like nothing more than a small woodland area that was overall bland and unremarkable But once Virgil passed the threshold of the trees he was transported to an ethereal and otherworldly plane of existence.The grass was unnaturally soft and rose up to his knees and they were the shortest things for what seemed like miles around.Their were mushrooms twice his size ,elk and dear 3x his gurth in wild and beautiful colors but the most astounding and almost deliberate detail he noted was the rings of light and sweet flowers that grew in thin rows that coiled around almost everything if you looked close enough.

This time was when he really got a grasp on how important poetry was to himself and wrote many a sonnet about the oddly beautiful landscape.But this landscape was not as kind as it seemed.One day Virgil accidentally  ate a poisonous mushroom and grew ill for many days until finally losing conches ness.

When Virgil awoke he found himself in a different area to where he had started.His clothing was as though it was new and in his bag he had more food than he could ever possibly eat but the most peculiar thing that he noticed was the delicate flower crown placed gently apon his head made of the same flowers that nearly consumed the forest.

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