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Virgil was content with his life.

He had a stable job as a construction worker, a few close friends and small apartment in the heart of the town he called home.By all standards his life was nothing to scoff at.He wasn't exactly living the dream per say but he had enough to get by comfortably.

The only facet of his life that was somewhat lacking was his romantic endeavors as he was never a fan of the girls that lived nearby and had slowly over time decided that he just wasn't a romantic person.

This was a falsehood.

And how false it really was became so much harder to ignore when in the dead of night the loneliness hit him.When lying awake in the queen sized bed that was just a little too big with an empty spot beside him really felt like chasm he couldn't fill.When his small apartment was a little too quiet or when he lay on his old couch with takeout in hand that there was no one in the kitchen quietly humming to themselves that he could have made food with instead.

But for Virgil those thoughts were dreams never to be fulfilled .If he wasn't into girls and he didn't want these fantasy's to be had with a girl then what was he complaining about? So with an odd pain in his heart he pushed those thoughts away and pulled himself back into the current dilemma :His best friend Patton has decided to bring someone new along to their usual Sunday meeting.

Virgil pondered the possible personality of the person he was bringing along as he sipped his drink perched precariously on a bar stool .(Virgil was always confused as to why Patton insisted on meeting up in a bar of all places since neither of them drank anything stronger than grape juice and the large groups of people made him uneasy.His half baked explanation always falling back into the same old "you need to get out more " "make some friends besides Lo and me")

The general gist of what Patton told him about the the newcomer was that he was Patton and Logan's friend in high school but had moved away  the summer before Virgil arrived and was moving back into town so Patton wanted to introduce him. "You're gonna love him"Patton has said.(if only he had known how right he had been)

Patton was late as usual and when he finally burst through the door it was half past 7. "I'm so sorry we're late!"Patton practicality screamed catching the attention of  nearby patrons . "Pat calm down it's fine really."Virgil said attempting to calm his overly energetic friend down so the other bar goers would stop starring. "I thought you were gonna bring along your little friend?" "Oh I did! He got pulled aside by a guy from high school who recognized him and wanted to catch up a bit ,there he is now!Patton said pointing over Virgil's shoulder.

And when Virgil was absolutely awestruck . 

Standing before him was the most handsom- prett- most well dress man Virgil had ever seen.He had a very small frame but made up for it by having great posture.His hair was a mess of honey curls that either took 5 seconds or 2 hours to do.His face a decorated with a light sprinkle of nutmeg colored freckles that made his warm brown eyes seem unlike anything he had ever laid his eyes on.

And Virgil was absolutely furious.How dare someone be so cute- well put together that it made Virgil's stomach flip.He wasn't that focused on his own looks so how had this random guy make him jealous so easily!(he was indeed not feeling jealousy that night but that will be important later)With a scowl and a small roll of his eyes Virgil decided to introduce himself.

"Sup,I'm Virgil"He said annoyance obvious in his voice. "Roman Aragon ,nice to meet you." The newcomer- Roman said sticking out his had for Virgil to shake it.Virgil pretended not to notice his hand and began asking Roman some questions about himself in an attempt to start some small talk.

Roman explained that he was working as an English teacher but his old school had laid him off about two months ago so he moved back to his childhood home town in search of work and got a job at home improvement store in the plant section (he apparently had a thing for plants)and had started working just 3 weeks before there meeting.

The small talk continued as they traded small facts about themselves.The two had fairly similar interests and Patton couldn't have been happier.His friends were getting along so well! Unfortunately the conversation took a turn for the worse when the topic of Disney was brought up.The two were both big fans of the studio but the held rather opposing views on the meanings behind their feature films.

The two began to argue quite loudly at first but just when Patton felt he should step in their childlike bickering began to shift into friendly banter and eventually into a genuinely enjoyable conversation.

Before the three knew it it was almost 10 o'clock and it was time to head home. " It was nice meeting you Roman." Virgil said, a light smile on his face. " It was nice meeting you too you emo disaster ."Roman said with a laugh that made Virgil' heart beat loudly in his ears.

He really had to get this jealousy under control.


Since the twos first meeting went so well Patton decided he would be invited to come every time ,and over the next few months the "jealousy " Virgil felt only grew.At this point him and Roman could barely look each other in the eyes and Patton took notice.

"But LoLo there in LOVE!" Patton whined ,trying his best to convince his husband to help him set the two up.Logan refused.

"Pat,love you don't know that, you don't even know if Virgil is gay.You can't just assume these things."Logan said putting the paper he was reading down to face Patton.

"Actually Lo I do know they love each other or at least kinda...I can see it in their eyes !"

"And how prey tell can you "see love in their eyes" dear?"

"You just can!,"Patton responded a pleading tone in his voice "What if I proved it to you?What if I asked them and they agreed with me?"

"Then I guess I'd help you."

The plan was set.


First was Roman.

It was fairly easy to corner Roman alone .Roman didn't have many friends so when he asked Roman if he could come over to "help put up shelves " (Roman wondered why he needed him of all people as he wasn't particularly gifted in the hight department but didn't question it too much as Roman wasn't the brightest either)he had no conflicting plans.When Patton's guest arrived he immediately pounded.

"RomandoyouhaveacrushonVirgil?"Patton said one he opened the door,excitement glinting in his eyes.

"Pat I can't understand a single thing you said slow down! I'm not even in the house yet."Roman said with a laugh.

"Oh sorry Roman, I just got a bit excited is all!"Patton said with a smile as he pulled Roman into the living room.The two sat across from one another and engaged in small talk for a little bit until Patton felt he was comfortable enough to pop the question without making him uncomfortable.

"Heeeyyy Roman?"

"Yeah Padre ?"Roman said quirking his head at his friend's sudden change in tone.

"Do you have a crush on Virgil?"


The first half of the plan was complete.


I hope you liked this chapter!

I really wanted to get something out over the long weekend and I decided to post this.There will DEFINITELY be a part two as  I finished the fic but I thought it was too long to post as one chapter so I split it up.

Did you have anything you want to share?

Feel free to tell me in the comments!


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