Bleeding heart bleeding soul

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Trigger warning: major character death, murder, perceived kid napping, crying 

When Virgil was a young boy he was very lonely .He was an only child and although his father (his mother passed away shortly after his birth)tried to be there for him he truly missed the companionship of his peers .There were no kids in the small neighborhood that were around his age and he was far too shy to approach anyone anyhow.

At least until when Virgil was seven or eight years of age that a small family moved in next door.It was a small family, a single father ,his two sons and a dog and the boys had no friends in the area either .So of course when the two rambunctious boys learned there was another kid right next door they immediately rushed over to meet them much the their fathers chagrin .

Their first introduction when something like this:

Two quick and excited knocks struck the door alerting Virgil father,a man by the name of Patton who was of a rather goofy mind,that there was someone at the door.But when he opened the door he was greeted by two boys dressed in red and green that were barely 3 feet tall.

"Hi!"Squeaked the boy in green, a gap toothed smile gracing his face.

"Oh um hello there "Patton said bending  down to reach the child's eye level . "And what might your name be?"

"I'm Remus and that's my dirtbag brother Roman." The small boy-Remus said as he pointed dramatically at his brother earning an elbow in the arm from the supposed dirtbag.

"Pleasure to meet you." The red clad boy said sticking out his hand for Patton to shake.

"Well aren't you both just the cutest things," Patton said shaking Roman's hand. "I'm sure my son would be happy to-"

"ROMAN REMUS YOU TWO ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!"A wheezing voice boomed startling  Patton.When The father figure looked up to see who he assumed was the boys father racing across their lawn.

When the man finally reached the doorstep he was bent over huffing and puffing.After he straighten up and calmed his breathing he stuck out his hand in a way quite similar to the way Roman did and introduced himself .

"Greetings my name is Logan and I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience.My boys are quite excited to make new friends and when they heard that you had a kid they said that they should go check it out sometime.I assumed sometime meant later.I was incorrect."The boys father said exasperation evident in his voice .

"Oh that's alright!"his already bright smile brightening slightly "I was planning on heading over to welcome you to the neighborhood with a pie or something but I guess you  beat me to the punch on that one."Patton said with a slight awkward laugh.

"Virgil kiddo, come meet our new neighbors"

Virgil peaked his head from inside the kitchen and quickly scurried to his father's side "H-hi."Virgil said a shy smile creeping onto his face.

"Hi Virgil! I'm Roman and I bet we're gonna be great friends!"

And they were.

The two of them were particularly inseparable , doing almost everything together (Remus hung out with them early on but got bored quickly and made friends with an older kid who was the biggest liar in town to a point that some kids started trying to get everyone call him Deciet .It never did catch on .)It was a sight to see if one was spotted without the other.(It probably helped though that Virgil and Roman dads "hung out " together a lot)

They talked about everything together ,from their new favorite show to how Roman was being bullied in school nothing was off limits to talk about.Well except for one thing.Virgil never told Roman that after all these years of friendship he had started developing a crush on his best friend and that was far too embarrassing to admit.

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