Unfortunate circumstances

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So I came up with  this idea and I kinda liked it but I wasn't sure if you guys would like it so here is a little bit of the idea I have. I am probably going to split it into a few short parts and if you guys like it I might flesh it out some more and make it a full book.MABEY!MY WRITING IS GARBAGE SO THE CHANGES OF ME WRITING A FULL BOOK SO EARLY ON IS SLIM BUT I THOUGHT I MIGHT PUT IT OUT THERE AND SEE WHAT YOU GUYS THINK ALTHOUGH YOUR PROBABLY GONNA HATE IT.

Can you tell I'm nervous?

I guess let's begin!


Deciet had mad a mistake.He though this was a good idea but now he was having second thoughts.Normally ,being the cunning snake he is , the devious plans he concocted were well thought out and were sure to succeed,but now it just felt wrong.Like he had gone to far, crossed a boundary even he shouldn't touch.Messing with his best friends little brother?That was to much even for him, but it was too late for that now.

Too late to turn back.Too late to fix his mistake.Too late to turn him back.

And now he was going to have to deal with the consequences.


Soooooooooooo this wasn't really a part more of a hook to see if you would like it but I mean it's here and maybe one of you enjoyed it..... hopefully.

If any of you guys did enjoy it(which I doubt cause it was horrible) please let me know so I can continue the story without any guilt about giving you guys stuff you don't want!To keep me from writing stuff you don't want or to make sure I write the fic you need in your life my request are open and I could DEFINITELY use the prompts!

Sending tons of huggles your way,



Sander Sides prinxiety One shots(requests open)Where stories live. Discover now