Yeah he's a wimp but he's my wimp.

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Unnecessary background imfo :Human au, Our boi Roman is a feisty boi and will not hesitate to get into a fight. Unfortunately for him nature made him a terrifying height of 4 10'.

Virgil on the other hand is a very layed back foot ball player who is 6 9' and the tallest kid in the school. 

The two of them have regular study ''dates'' that none of their friends know about(they don't even know the two are'' friends'') since they know that their friends would mock them for having a secret ''boyfriend'', because they both totally don't have crush on each other.

Okay ,lets begin!

Virgil sat ,practically laying down, at the table in the far back corner of his school's library,absentmindedly scrolling through tumbler waiting for his study buddy to arrive.From an outside perspective he looked as relaxed as could be,not a care in the world,but in reality he was low-key panicking(at the disco).He was used to princey being late and he knew that it was probably just his usual anxious mindset getting the best of him but he was still worried.That over dramatic dork had never been this late before.Twenty minutes was definitely pushing it and he had half a mind to go look for him.

Five more minutes.

Virgil was full-key panicking(at the disco) at this point and was about to pack his things and go look for him when,to Virgil's relief,the door to the library opened with a bang and in stormed a very flustered Roman.Glancing up he noticed that his companion was covered in dirt and had leaves all throughout his hair.He looked entirely disheveled,or at least for the roman he knew he looked disheveled as he was normally much more careful to keep his appearance well manicured.

''Hey princey,I like your new flower crown.''Virgil said while pointing out the many leaves in-beaded in his hair.''

''Ha ha very funny.I am so amused.''

''What hapend to you man?''

''It's not important,''Roman replied while attempting to shake the leaves out of his hair,sprinkling them all over the floor in the process.

''You missed one.''Virgil said as he got  up from his chair,stepping closer to his ''friend''.He reached out to pull a leaf from Romans tossed hair(he totally didn't notice that he blushed at the touch)He brushed the messy red hair behind his ear,revealing a large bruise across his companion's cheek.

Roman noticed this and pulled away sharply, nearly falling on is back in the process.

''Who did that?''

''...Would you believe I tripped?''


''...Talor, said some rude stuff about you and I got really mad and told him off in front of his friends... afterward he kinda beat me up a little.''Roman said with a sigh, obviously ashamed.

Virgil grabbed his stuff and began to leave the library.Turning to Roman with his bag in his hand and a smirk on his face he spoke,bowing in the process."I apologies your highness I must take my leave.''

''Wait!"Roman said running up behind him.''Where are you going?''

''I'm of to g have a little chat with Talor.''

''Virgil stop,you really don't have to.I'm fine!''Roman said , grabbing Virgil's shoulders and making him turn to face the other.

''And that's where your wrong princey,''Virgil said as he reached out and held Roman's face in his hands''just trust me on this,okay?''

''Fine''Roman said with a huff turning away.(totally not because he was blushing)


''Hey Talor!''Virgil said wit a strained smile,walking up to his friend's as-salient who was leaned up coolly against the brick wall he was standing near.

''Hey Virge,how are you man?''

''Good good,but I heard you got in a fight with some kid named Roman?''

''Yeah I did,but he was a real wimp so it wasn't that difficult.''

''Well I don't recommend that you do that again...''

''..and why is that?''

''Because that wimp is my wimp and if you even touch a single hair on his head you will be going home with a few broken bones.''

Talor's response to Virgil's sudden comment was to slowly begin to back away,a response that made Virgil feel sure he had gotten his point across.A smug smile appeared on Virgil's face,unsettling Talor more as he pondered how to get anyone to believe that he was being threatened by  the chillest guy in school.

''See you around Talor.''

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