My life is a mess
I can't even come to "fess
Dark clouds always looming
Sadness everblooming
I pass through the day
Like nothing but a robot
I don't think I feel anything
I'm just numb
I just sit and stare into oblivion
I'm so lost
Then, I see his stormy grey eyes
I can see the sadness brimming in his eyes
As he senses mine
He shares with me his broken smile
And I share mine
My pale cheeks find some color
As my cold skin prickles with heat
He makes my heart skip a beat
And my thoughts stutter
He makes me feel like no other
Words are useless
As we read our thoughts
We exchange smiles and laughs
When we are together
Our broken world is lost
He is like the Sun to my dark clouds
Our souls move through the universe in ecstatic motion
Like we're never going to stop
When I look into his eyes
I see a broken girl
And a broken boy
Fixing each other
And becoming whole again...Cause you are not who you think you are
There's no grain on these brown eyes
But they can be green if they really
And I can bend your words
So they say exactly what hurts
the most
But silence is better than fake laughs or faking we're always up
Loose grip
The world blends around you
And living through cracked screens
We fold down to what we want
Out of love
We walk through lines, we're made of smoke
And just in time, we dry away
Diffusing light, confusing times
Growing up or Cascading down?
Cascading down
I'm hurting nowBut change comes slow
If you hate what's in your head,
The heck you'd speak your mind?
In search of lost time
Just 18, so I'm young and I'm stupid
Only 16, yeah, I think you should've known
I think you messed me up...
I think I think you messed me up
And I've got nothing to say to youIt's been a few years and I've moved on
Couldn't make it disappear, oh I tried to be so strong
But I grew up today and faced that I'm not just lonely
Don't feel much better but I guess it's a start
Love, Soul - Seeker.
PuisiThere are days when we are tired and days that we cannot carry on anymore. For those days we should look back to the good days in life. . . . This is just some random stuff to muse you when you feel weary. Bring a little smile and brighten your day...