Chapter 1

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I faintly heard my name twice. The whole world felt so... sluggish at that moment. I rubbed my eyes so that I could see a little clearer. My surroundings appeared more transparent as my eyes fluttered open, although my hearing was still foggy and muffled. Where am I? What was I doing again?

Once my eyes were fully open, I noticed a river. Now I'd remember why I was there, I was to fish for Grandpa and return so that we may begin our lesson on cooking fish, but I guess I may have fallen asleep while fishing...

"Y/n? Is he there?" a familiar voice, I thought as I turned around to see my grandpa with his humble smile, it almost made me forget that I slept on the job and made a mistake. I guess that's his power? Not that he's a great cook, but he was a master of manipulation.. he reeled me in so that I felt even more guilty for messing up...

"I- am... sorry, I just.. no fish was taking the bait, and the weather it- it was nice, and the sounds of the river i-i couldn't help but nap.." I looked off to the side, trying to avoid eye contact; I did not want to see his disappointed look. I'm not so sure why I feel as if I committed treason...

With a sigh and a worrisome look, Grandpa reacted to my response in the kindest way he could put it "You did nothing wrong, my dear Y/n; I know you've been having trouble sleeping, I may be old, but I'm not like just any grandpa" he had a full-hearted laugh and slowly made his way to me. I grabbed my rod and continued what I'd started as I should have

To my surprise, Grandpa grabbed the rod himself, and I just started at the rod in confusion. "Don't worry, I'll teach you how to catch fish" In the middle of his chuckling, his horrible cough came up. It made me jump a little, and I started worrying more about his illness. It still hasn't gone away, and it sounds like it worsens daily.

"Grandpa... My fishing skills haven't been dulled down" I attempted to grab my rod, but he held his finger up as a signal to be quiet. I quietly sigh and look down at the flowing river life moves on with or without

I stared up at the sky and watched the clouds slowly move. Some clouds resembled objects, while others looked like food..? Or maybe that's just me getting hungry. When I lowered my head, I stopped and noticed Grandpa had caught a salmon. I blinked twice and questioned myself with a blank face looking at the squirming fish

"Were you even paying attention?" He looked at me as if I were a kid again, and I stole his favorite cookies without telling him, and this would be the part where I lied and said I didn't, and he wouldn't believe me. So instead of words, I just nodded, but I'm pretty sure he didn't like my reply

"How do you expect to learn when you won't even pay attention to your old grandpa?" He frowned upon the realization that his grandson, I, had ignored him. Now that's not much of a big deal, yet I still feel guilty. He's the only family I have left, and I should be treating him better than just Ignoring him

"You're right, Grandpa; I'm sorry.. I'll make sure this won't happen soon."
We stared at each other for what felt like hours, but once my grandpa stood up and sighed heavily

"I was joking around, Y/n.. you don't have to be so modest all the time; I'm your grandpa; for heaven's sake, I'm not just some random greaser who just wants to have a conversation with a young man" he was right... I've been modest to my grandpa ever since I was a kid. I wasn't that modest because I was still a kid and knew nothing about modesty, but I'm older, and now I fully understand how I should act.

"Come on, let's go cook this salmon already" I nodded and stood up, and as he started walking. I followed him back home

The walk back home was quiet yet peaceful; I wouldn't say it was the most comfortable walk; there were undoubtedly some things that should have been addressed but weren't due to my constant thinking. And my frustration with who I am.. and where are my actual parents, and where they are...

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