Chapter 6

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"Hey... Y/n? Y/n are you ok..? Hello?"
Was someone calling for me? I can't tell... it feels like I'm trapped in darkness. I'm hearing more voices, where could they come from?
"H-hello? Where am I? Where are you? Who are you?"
I felt something squishy... what could it be? What can be this squishy?
"Y-Y/n that's m-my cheek your grabbing.."
Wait who's cheek? Wait wait what am I doing right now? Cheek? Why are my eyes closed?
"Mysterious voice, have I went blind therefore the reason why I can't see you?"
"N-no your just closing your eyes Y/n..."
"My eyes are closed..? So... I'm just sleeping? Wait am I sleeping...? Because I'm talking? Hold on let me open my eyes real quick"

Y/n opened his eyes slowly as they weren't adjusted to the brightness of the room, and his eyes were watery. He looked at Megumi with his innocent face and his stare. Just looking at his E/c made her blush in embarrassment and gazed away quickly. Y/n yawned and rubbed his eye, then slouched in the chair he was in, wanting to sleep again like before. The old woman, however, knocked over the chair he was in, causing him to wake up from his short eye resting session.
"You've been sleeping all day even though it's your first day here! And you never introduced yourself to anyone, you were just behind that girl and waved. I will not allow that here, now get up it's time for a little group meeting."
"ok, but why did you have to throw me on the floor..?" Y/n complained as he was in agony from having his face hit the wooden floor
"because you were sleeping the entire time!"
"I've had a long day, don't judge me..."
The old lady grabbed a pan out of nowhere ready to smack the complaining boy on the ground, luckily for him, he had Megumi to his rescue and stopped her from slaughtering Y/n.
"w-we'll be down there in a bit, just d-don't hit him with that..?"
"hmph... You're lucky you have this pretty girl here to protect you"
"yeah... I'm blessed alright"
The old lady walked away from the room, heading to the room she said to meet. Y/n desperately attempted to get back on his feet again but found that he couldn't because of his exhaustion. With the help of the kindness of Megumi, he had the strength to get on his own two feet. He then groaned from stretching his body as it had rested on a chair for the entire time he's been asleep.
"Thank you... Megumi"
"Y-yeah it's no big deal, don't worry about it..."
Y/n gave a deep sigh and pointed forward hinting to Megumi to follow the old lady who had nearly beaten him to his demise. It took moments for Megumi to figure out what Y/n meant by pointing forward and guided him. The scared boy was walking behind Megumi but kept close, that was until he had an idea of making coffee for the rest of the group. Without her noticing she walked into the group where she saw everyone there, everything was fine until the old lady noticed the boy wasn't with her...
"where's that negligent boy at?"
"I am here and I apologize for being disrespectful, I haven't been sleeping adequately"
Y/n passed around cups of coffee he made for everyone as if he were the butler. The first to drink the warm soft coffee was the old lady which she had found of the taste.
"hm, maybe you're not as bad as I thought you were, say what is your name again?"
"Y/n L/n miss"
"hm, well it seems as I was wrong about you Y/n, you'll get your own room"
Fumio threw keys at Y/n with a reasonable throw, yet he was to slow to reacting getting hit in the forehead with a steel metal key. He made a little moan and rubbed around the area his forehead had been hit. Ryoko, Megumi, and Yūki looked at Y/n with worry in their eyes even if it was just a small key that had hit him. The others weren't that bothered about it, as it was just a guy, maybe if he were a woman they would have been there to help him in his need. They took a sip of the coffee and before he knew it, they all had blissful faces.
"Woah man like? How does someone make coffee this good?! You have talent man!"
Said a tall muscular man with sharp sideburns and spike hair.
"huh..? Talent? Uhm... There's no such thing as talent, it's just called skill. Something I've been practicing and trying to perfect."
"Nah man, this ain't skill, it's more like talent to me, I mean I don't see any great cook needing to make perfect coffee and yet here you are making this masterpiece"
He was also taller and masculine, same as sideburns
"Wow I'm surprised, you manage to get Daigo and Shoji to agree on something for once. Good job Y/n! You really are something aren't you?"
said long red hair, and large bust
"something..? No, I'm nothing special I'm just someone who just enjoys cooking"
"then how come you are here? If you weren't amazing you wouldn't be here"
"... Yeah, I guess you have a point there. I just don't like being viewed as somebody who is better than everyone, or something"
Y/n still standing in the doorway, he sipped his herbal tea and reminisced about his past. What he accomplished, and what he had sacrificed to be here. The hardships and the training he had to do, the nightmares kept him up.
"ok party is over get out my room I'm sleepy"
"ok ok zenji, I guess it is time to rest isn't it?"
"Yeah... well at least morning will be more fun with everyone now involved"
Everyone glared at Y/n sipping his drink, looking unhappy until he slowly looked forward and turned his head to the left to see everyone glaring at him.
"was I supposed to answer something..? Or did I miss something?"
Everyone laughed and he just looked confused still taking sips of his drink since it was considerably hot.

After that everyone left zenji's room and went to their rooms to have a goodnight's sleep. Y/n walked Megumi back to her room, they weren't speaking much as he was pretty thinking too much about his experiences, and Megumi didn't know how to spark a conversation with him because he imitated her with his eyes looking pale. As soon as they arrived at her room Y/n said a simple good night and began to walk away before getting stopped by a tight pull from Megumi prompting him to look back at her with a face that already indicated his question to her.
"i-i know this sounds kinda... Weird but can you maybe... Just stay with me this one night..?"
Before Megumi said anything else, Y/n put his hand up to close to his chest as a means of saying that he understood and smiled, unsure about what will happen if he did so but went in with her regardless. Her room was neat and matched her style, Megumi went into the bathroom to presumably change into her nightclothes. Y/n realized he had forgotten to grab some of his nightclothes as well but immediately shook it off as he was fine with wearing what he had on as of now. Megumi came out the bathroom to reveal her pajamas and her hair down

Undoubtedly she looked adorable to Y/n which caused Megumi to grow a little red when noticing Y/n was staring at her

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Undoubtedly she looked adorable to Y/n which caused Megumi to grow a little red when noticing Y/n was staring at her.
"I-is this a little too childish..? I'm sorry if you don't like it.. "
"Ehm... when did I ever say I didn't like it..? It looks perfect On you..."
Said Y/n looking down in embarrassment and looked around to see where he'd sleep. The only option seemed to be the floor, he reached for a pillow and was stopped by Megumi questioning what he was doing, and when he explained what he was gonna do she reassured him that he could sleep with her in the same bed. It took time for Y/n too finally agree and joined her in bed and laid there looking at the ceiling, feeing a bit more safe and happy...

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