Chapter 4

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Everyone started to gather around and everyone started talking about Erina. There were compliments, then... some perverted comments.
"One date with Erina and I could die a happy man~"
"Dude don't say those things, she might Hear you!"
I looked away and looked at Erina walk up to one of the staff, I smiled as I saw Erina getting congratulated
"Everyone, congratulations on your advancement to high school"
He looks familiar... but I can't put my finger on it
"Hey do you know who he is-" a random boy puts his hand to cover my mouth and I back up in disgust
"That's Senzaemon Nakiri he's the incarnation of power not only in this institution, but the whole entire culinary world!" I took his hand away from my mouth and look at him with disgust

I forgot about what just happened and looked at Senzaemon... he looks familiar, no doubt he probably knows me. If there's a possibility I'd love to meet him.
"Children, 99 percent.. are nothing but common rocks, you exist solely to grind to perfection the 1 percent of you who are diamonds"
Oooookay never mind... I guess you really can't judge a book by its cover. So much for wanting to meet him..
"Last year's freshman class numbered 812 of them who survived to reach their second year... was only 76."
Hm... so this will be a challenge won't it? I guess grandpa thinks highly of my skills as a chef. I'll make you proud grandpa, and hopefully one day we'll get to see each other again.

Hm..? Is that Sōma?

What does he think he's doing?! I'm amazed he's still here but

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What does he think he's doing?! I'm amazed he's still here but... what he's done now.. I think that might have gotten him kicked out? I don't know you that much Sōma... but I do know you were kind enough to talk to me. Please don't be stupid
"You jerk!"
" I'll kill you, you stupid transfer student!"
Oh dear what has he caused now... a mob?

I found a way out surprisingly as... many people were wanting Sōma's head until I saw a blue hair girl sitting in a chair looking distraught

 many people were wanting Sōma's head until I saw a blue hair girl sitting in a chair looking distraught

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"Hey.. uhm miss? Are you alright?" I looked down at her, and noticed that she didn't hear a word I said, let alone hear me
"Hello? Are you ok?" I waved my hand around her until she blinked and looked right into my eyes. Her face started to heat up and she shook her hands
"O-oh no no! Everything is fine don't worry I'm fine I'll be fine nothing to worry about everything is ok hehe" clearly she was panicking
"Please try to calm yourself, I can tell your not very stable at the moment" he tried to restrain her from having her body shake all over the place
"It's gonna be alright, you have nothing to worry about. You'll do great, I know you can do it"
"H-how did you know that-"
"Well from the tone of your voice, and what you were saying. it's pretty obvious"
"O-oh... well aren't you worried about this to..?"
"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't, but... my grandpa sent me here for a reason, and If he believes in my cooking well then... I know I can do it" she looked at me in awe and her face burned up more
"Oh my apologies, my name is Y/n l/n, it's a pleasure meeting you?"
"Ah-! M-Megumi Tadokoro!" I reached my hand out and she grabbed my hand and shook it. I chuckled at her enthusiasm, I'm glad I calmed her down until the moment I set my eyes off her she panicked again

"Bonjour..." who I assumed was the teacher of today's class
If I was being honest I wasn't really paying attention, but from the looks of today... Maybe we're doing a team cooking lesson?
"any dish that is unworthy of an "A" is given an "E"
I heard a shriek from a familiar voice, I looked over at the noise. Oh it's Megumi.. She'll be fine, I'm sure of it
"today's lunch will be boefil bourguignon, you have 2 hours"
Hmm, bourguignon huh? I think I've read that in a book before but I can't put my finger on it
"Hey! Hurry up we don't have much time here, I'm not gonna fail because of your stupidity"
I mentally sighed inside, it seems like my partner is like everyone else.
"Sorry I was just thinking of how to prepare this meal, could you please gather the ingredients? As you said, we don't have much time" he growled in annoyance but surprisingly complied with the order.

While preparing to make the beef Burgundy, I tried to get into focus... But with a partner with mine, instead of helping he bugged me instead. It was as if I was in a new fucking country learning the language without a mentor. Our game plan was to have him prepare another set of tray to complement the beef. So I decided that should make mashed potatoes and homemade gravy recipe made from my grandpa, with some vegetables to go along with it. While he was preparing the second dish, I started to cook the beef to perfection with seasonings and a bit of a secret sauce that I've created myself that I believed would make the flavor pop-out more. I looked over to see my partner not following my recipe.
"Whoa! Hey, what do you think you're doing? I said follow the recipe, not toy around with it!"
"yeah but- this recipe doesn't look that promsing, and mine is better anyway?" I took a spoonful of his gravy and spit it out immediately.
"that tastes like donkey piss! I'm not serving this shit ok?! Now hurry up and do it over again. I am not gonna lose because you decided that you're better than me"
" I am better what are you talking about?! Look at beef you've made, you somehow managed to make it look like an old prostitute" we started arguing left and right, we actually caught the attention of the class... And the mentor and yelled at us

We stopped arguing, and I started to protect my beef. I don't really trust this clown to get anywhere near food, but I start staring at him as if I were an eagle. Every time he tried to install something new I would stop him and put the right ingredient in. as time went on, I didn't notice that our time had run out, and we were to present our dish
"next pair" the instructor yelled, calling us up
I gently walked with the dishes and set them down and bowed
" I hope you enjoy sir!" I crossed my fingers and prayed that we could maybe pass...
He took a bite of the beef and smiled just like he did with soma's and Megumi's dish, although I wouldn't argue if they said he smiled more at soma's dish then mine... And I blame my shit partner next to me.
I started to panic about the next dish as he didn't like it as much as he did with the beef.
"excuse me, sir... But may I try the potatoes?" he nodded and I grabbed a spoon and had a taste, the sauce was like trash juice and to be professional I had to swallow the potatoes.
"I'm so sorry sir, I guess someone must have changed my recipe a little" I looked at my partner in hatred
"the beef was most impressive, however, the side dish was most disappointing... You pass, but you, on the other hand, your not worth, you fail" I passed and he failed... Thank you, Lord, he does not deserve to be in the kitchen.

The class all left while I was still inside cleaning everything, as I don't like to see messy kitchens, and so I tend to clean them...
"Hey, why are you still here?" that familiar voice again...

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