Chapter 2.5

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"Hey are you ok...? Have I done something wrong? If so, please let me know what I can do to make up for the hurt I've caused" I was puzzled by how she knew who I was, but whenever I try to think back to my childhood, there's not recollection of her

I held my hand out to help her up, but she refused in a angered manner. I understood that she was not in the best mood, thanks to me but I took no offense to this. She made a quite noise, Almost as if she was sniffing, indicating she was quietly crying.. that didn't really help me feel better

"Miss Erina, is there anything I can do for you please? I deeply apologize for the mistakes I've made already, I-" before finishing what I wanted to say, I was cut off by her

"Cook me something better than your shit eggs.." she looked down, her face looked reddish-pink. This dish I have to make, it's gotta be better than what I've made this morning. Maybe a desert.. but which would she like... I should think about this carefully, don't want to upset her again.

"Would you like me to.. help you get back on your feet?" She shook her head a bit aggressively. Great job myself, first day and you already managed to piss off the person who seems to be in charge.

"Just go already.. make me my food already!" Snapping at the end of her sentence, it spooked me a bit and I shook my head, not wanting to speak anymore, as I was afraid that she would get more upset. Without asking for the directions of the kitchen, I just quickly sped walked around the halls, hoping to find some sort of direction

Every hallway felt the same.. yet also a tad bit different. This made navigation so much difficult then it has to be, there are so many paths to take it's as if it were a maze. Of course I asked directions to any other individuals I met on the way, but it seemed like no one knew..

Fully upset at how lost I was, I could not hear anything anymore, and didn't think logically. Once I turned around a corner, I headed butts with a girl, with white hair and red eyes.

"Ah.. shit.." I quietly whispered to myself as I held my forehead in pain, and because of my stupidity for crashing into her the way I did.

"Owwwie owww~" she complained about how it also hurt. Doing almost the same like I did, so I got up and offered my hand to her while she was on the floor.

"I-I'm very sorry about that m-ma'am" I closed my eyes in embarrassment and in shame, for letting myself make this foolish mistake. Reluctantly she grabbed my hand and stoop up while holding her head.

"It's ok, but my head still hurts~.. say- who are you anyways?" She tilted her head looking at me, while I just scratched the back of my neck, as I truly do not know exactly what I am as of now.

"I'm afraid I cannot answer that as even now I still don't know, what exactly I am as of now.." she giggled at my response and I looked at her with more questions on my mind

"I wasn't talking about what exactly you do, I'm talking about who you are, like your name silly~" she poked my nose and I just blinked, feeling more like an idiot.

"Right uhm.. my name is Y/n L/n, a pleasure to meet you miss?"she gasped as soon as I finished my sentence.. my isn't known to anybody so.. why would someone gasp when they hear my name?

"Y/nnnnnn it's been a long timeeeee~!" She rushed in to hug me, but she rubbed her cheek on my chest. My face started heating up, and my hands were up, nervous about hugging her back. Is this someone who knows me but I don't know as well..?

"I-I'm sorry but.. I may have forgotten you.." she just giggled and continued hugging me, while I try to struggle out of her hold

"Hehe seems like you still have a bad memory even now. We used to hang out as kids-!" Another person who I've known as a kid..? But I was only there for one person, not two..

"Huh.. could you please remind me of how we met..? I'm sorry, I'm still at a lost here" was she possibly a guest, and we just happened to meet? Or was there two girls.. ugh this is confusing

"Well~ we met when my father and I went to meet my cousin Erina, and when I saw her, you were right behind her. You were always shy when you were a kid, which made you such an adorable child~." I guess my suspicions were right..

"Wait! You're miss Erina's cousin?" I quickly got on my knee and apologized, while she just giggled. This has to be one of the most confusing days I've had so far

"C'mon y/nnnn you don't have to act so modest you know~? Just because I'm related to Erina, doesn't mean I want special treatment, just act the way you've been when we were kids"

"I'm afraid- I can't do that miss.."

"Oh that's right I haven't told you my name! It's Alice"

"R-right, Miss Alice . I've grown up from what I used to be, as I saw myself as a fool and wanted to be treated seriously-" before I could say anymore Alice put her finger on my lips to hush me

"Shh shh shhhh, y/n you are adorable the way you are, you don't have to be an entirely different person for others"

"But.. I'm not doing it for anyone specifically, I'm doing this just for myself. Please separate me from when I was a kid, to who I am now. We are entirely different people, so.. I'm sorry to break your expectations miss Alice"

"Hmph! Don't be a buzz kill bright eyes, cmon we are gonna meet my cousin Erina together~" she wrapped her hand around mine and dragged me to where she wanted me to go

"Wai-wait! Miss Alice, I-I was sent to make her food you see-! So-so I can't return to her without making her food, otherwise she'll be more upset with me"

"Pfft oh come now, she wouldn't do that, she likes you so don't worry about her getting mad at you~"

"I- might have forgotten her as well"

"Oh? Ohhhh yeah that might do the trick.. well I'll help you with the dish, I can't really help you in creating the dish, otherwise she'll know it's me- but I'll try to help ok~!"

 well I'll help you with the dish, I can't really help you in creating the dish, otherwise she'll know it's me- but I'll try to help ok~!"

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