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Throughout the class, Mr.Irvine would keep glancing at where Lucas and Renjun were seated in minor panic that the taller might accidentally say something that'll make the smaller snap. The two suddenly looked at him with a stern glare, making the teacher flinch and continue. Jisung would glance at them in interest seeing how Lucas would continuously look at his friend and smile.

The bell rang and everyone got their things together. Renjun waited for a few seconds outside the door for his friend and smiled happily when he saw Jisung. When he was about to go over though, he felt a big hand grab his shoulder. The small boy turned to see Lucas. He was honestly surprised that he would touch him and glared lightly.

"Your name is Renjun, if I'm right?"
"Yes, but why-"
"Injun, let's go"

Jisung came by and grabbed his friend from the hold of the giant, he wanted to get him out before other students saw. Renjun nodded while still looking at Lucas before leaning his head to Jisung as the taller had his arm around him while walking away, as all his friends would do to each other. That soon ended though as Jisung stumbled forward as he was attacked from a hug from behind. The boy could recognize who was hugging him from how tight it was.

"Jaemin! Let me go!"
"No!! Everyone loves a Nana hug!"

Renjun turns to see Chenle shaking his head and somehow succeeding in separating the two and hugged his boyfriend. Jaemin pouted and walked to class while Renjun couldn't help but roll his eyes playfully and mumble a "cya" as he also headed to class. He entered to find that the class was almost already full. He looked for his teacher and groaned when he couldn't see her. He decided to just sit down at his desk and wait patiently.

Feeling bored instantly, he decided to listen to music. No one could tell him not to anyways. He had connections and was "dangerous" himself, so he's fine. He took out his earphones and iPhone and looked for a song. He decided on one of his favorites Lolita by Lana Del Rey. It was one of his top songs.

He softly sang along, some students stopping what they were doing just to hear him clearer. They enjoyed the moments they could hear him sing, he had the voice of an Angel, even if he's singing such song. If anything, some of them actually become slightly aroused. When he finished though, everyone heard a clap come from the room door. Turning, they saw Lucas there with their teacher. Renjun flushes a little pink but looked down so no one noticed.

"Anyways, class. This here is Lucas, the new student here. I hope you all will welcome him"

She looked around for an empty seat for him to sit at. She mentally cringed when she realized the only seat was at an all girls table, feeling bad for the new boy as the girls would most likely bother him. She hesitantly decided there was no other choice and told Lucas.

"You can sit over there, the second table on the right"

The boy looked over and he seemed to cringe tiny bit in his eyes, but did sit down at that table. The class went as it normally would, but there were some squeals here and there, annoying Renjun a bit as this was a subject he was really interested in. The teacher also seemed to be annoyed as she warned the girls about detention, but the girls continued. After another 5 minutes and 10 giggled, squealing, and whines, Renjun has had it. He stood up abruptly, causing the chair to fall behind him and everyone to flinch, as an angry Renjun could be extremely scary.

"That's it! Why do you girls obsess so much over a new kid?! He seems uncomfortable for one, and you guys are distracting the entire class, this isn't an invitation for you guys to look for a fucking!!"

All the girls flushed an extremely bright red and seemed to shrink in their seats. All the boys (excluding Lucas) made a wolf whistle. The angered boy looked glared at all the boys-making them stiffen-before going to the teacher.

"I'm going to the bathroom for a few minutes to calm down. Tomorrow I'll even do extra work for causing a scene"
"No no! It's okay"

She then whispered something to the boy.

"They were getting on my nerves anyways, I'll probably give them detention and maybe even have them clean around the school."

The boy gave a tiny smile and left he classroom, leaving it to erupt in a dead silence before the teacher pulled the 4 girls out. Lucas was still trying to process all that has happened. He was wondering what made everyone, even the bloody teachers, scared of the little boy, especially when he had that outburst. Lucas believed that Renjun looked even adorable, but when he was mad, it was attractive.

The said boy eventually came back, much calmer and sat down. The class continued and the bell then rang. This happened for two more periods, Lucas not seeing the other which made him a little upset. But Lunchtime arrived by then.

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