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The small Chinese stayed beside his friend, not wanting to leave as the younger was still puffy eyed. Caleb ended up having to go the the nurse and then going home, much to Renjun's glee. Renjun didn't want to bug his friend further as he was silently crying. He just sat there and silently comforted Jisung, giving him one of the bags of snacks he had.

Everyone was beside them was incredibly nervous, including the teacher. Lucas though, he just sat there while eating a lollipop. The class ended soon enough and all the students were eager to leave the thick atmosphere. Renjun, Jisung and Lucas were the last ones to leave. The gentle giant came up to them and spoke in a surprisingly soft tone for his voice.

"Are you alright Jisung?"

The youngest looked at the floor and shook his head. Lucas smiled gently and just gave him a pat on the shoulder, making him look up and smile sadly in return. Renjun hummed contently as he loosely hugged Jisung around the waist.

"We should get to our next classes, come on Lucas"
"Oh, you guys can call me Yukhei or Xuxi if you'd like"
"Why do you have so many goddamn names?"

The tallest just shrugged as they walked into the hallway. They didn't say any words until they had to depart from Jisung. The tardy bell rang soon after, Lucas freezing, making Renjun look at him.

"What got you so tensed up?"
"We're late"
"Don't worry. I have strong connections and I'm a smart student, I'll be able to get you out of trouble too, it'll be fine. Let's go to the store real quick though."

Lucas wasn't so sure, but the smaller was so cute he couldn't help but agree. The two ended up going to the store, just walking down the aisles. Renjun pointed at something on the shelves.

"Xuxi, look!"

The called boy did and had to stop himself from laughing, but he did end up laughing.

"It's sushi!"
"We have to get some now, help me get it"

Lucas looked curiously at the younger when he asked for help. Renjun raised his arm to show he couldn't exactly reach it because it was far back on the shelf. Lucas smiled and went behind Renjun, grabbing him on the hips and raising him up, just enough so he could reach the sushi. The younger then got the package with a happy smile on his face.

In the end the two got some sushi, drinks, chips, and some other small things.

They ended up being so late, it was already 5th period. The teacher looked at the door and snapped at them.

"Why are you two late?!"

It was a substitute teacher, he must've not heard what type of person Renjun was. The class tensed up and one student stuttered.

"M-ma'am, you really s-shou-"
"Be quiet!"

Renjun then started laughing softly before laughing hysterically. It was a maniacal laughter, scaring even the teacher. Lucas didn't even flinch. He crossed his arms after placing the bags down and leaned against the
wall, y'know, the iconic pose of guys. Renjun then walked up to the teacher and had his hands behind his back.

"Ma'am, the reason we are late is because of my own doings. Yukhei is a friend of mine that I wanted to tag along with me, we just went to get some things for my other friend Jisung. He's upset and we don't know why but we want to find out. It would also be best if you don't shout seeing how there's cameras on the classroom and they have sound on too. So unless you want to get in trouble with my school, you better lower that tone of yours"

Renjun was walking to sit down beside Lucas who was all alone, no one seeing the small boy reaching into the pocket of his white(with the slightest hint of grey)sweatshirt.

A/N: Alright, what do you assume Renjun is getting from his pocket? Also, shit is about to go down

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