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The mansion soon came to view, the van seen going into the giant garage there was. Taeyong drove through the gates and was about to head to the garage as well, but stopped right outside the doors.

"You guys get out and go in. I'll head inside after parking this"

All the males nodded and got outside the car and headed inside. Not long after, everyone in the van walked in, Lucas had a faint blush while Jungwoo had a content smile. 'Oh no, don't tell me' Renjun went and grabbed Jungwoo by the wrist and dragged him upstairs to a smaller lounge. The older was just laughing and smiling.

"You told him, didn't you?!"
"Yes I did! How couldn't I?"
"Oi, Injunnie! I hope you're not hurting my boyfriend"

Renjun jumped at the sudden voice. Jungwoo looked over and smiled at Kun before shaking his head.

"Nah, he's just scolding me because I told Lucas that this little guy drew a picture of him"

The youngest flushed as he launched himself to the couch there, shoving his face into the pillow as he started screaming slurs, which came out as loud incoherent mutters. The two other males laughed as they watched their friend be embarrassed.

A/N: VERY short, but I felt like I needed to our something, so here. I'll update a longer chapter as soon as I can, Bye~!

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