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Jaemin walked over to where Renjun and Lucas were at while the other laughed and walked away, as the remaining few did too. The blond looked over to the tall male and smiled greatly.

"Thank you for helping my friend while I got my other friends! I'm sorry that you had to get into a fight though, seeing how it's your first day here"

Lucas also did a smile while Renjun just playfully rolled his eyes.

"Oh it's fine. Im not a big fan of violence, but if someone is just being a flat-out asshole, imma fight"

When the giant did a funny fighting pose, the other two bursted out into laughter, filling up the halls with their sounds of delight. Renjun was the first to calm down though and sighed. The bell rang that second, startling them for a moment as students started piling out. The three boys decided to run toward the art room where Renjun and Chenle originally were at.

'I'm glad I put my journal up. If anyone saw the drawing I would have lost my goddamn mind'

The teacher looked at the door to see the boys entered and waved. Jaemin and Lucas waved back, Renjun gave a single nod. The smaller was trembling and that didn't go unnoticed by Lucas. As Jaemin was talking to the teacher about what happened to explain the chaos, Lucas sat a good distance from Renjun as the midget looked down.

Renjun sighed as he looked at the table. He then saw a hand wave in front of his face, making him turn to the giant beside him. Lucas smiled and spoke up.

"You okay? I know I'm new and all that, but I hope your not uncomfortable around me"

The smaller shook his head as he brought his knees to his chest, fitting his body into the chair.

"No no, it's not that. And it's funny you said that, normally it's the new kid who's nervous but you seem very relaxed"
"Well, I'm just used to getting attention you could say. And I've noticed something, and I'm very curious now"
"Hm? What is it?"

Lucas moved closer and leaned down a bit, so that they were eye level and spoke a bit quieter. The closeness made the younger panic a tiny bit inside but Renjun managed to hide it.

"Why does everyone seem intimidated and cautiousness around you? They act as if you're gonna murder them any second, even the teachers"
"Oh, that. It's just that everyone can be a pain in the ass and they're annoying. Of course not everyone is, but those students get on my nerves fast and I'm prone to getting aggressive and violent when I'm annoyed and angered"

Lucas hummed and moved a bit further back again. Jaemin was watching from the side and he couldn't help but fanboy a little, along with the teacher. The two at the desk were oblivious to it and just continued to talk.


At the end of the day, after the bell rang, the art teacher walked up to Renjun. Chenle had left earlier with Jisung because they wanted to spend sometime together. The boy looked up and tilted his head to the right about and squinted his eyes a tiny bit.

"Do you need help with something sir?"
"Well, not me necessarily. Mrs. Tycho would like some help with papers"
"Oh, okay. I'll get right to it. I'll see you tomorrow"

The boy then got his bag and left, picking up the bag of snacks with him and walked to his math teacher's room. Something told him that this seemed a bit odd. Renjun slowed down a bit so that he could think.

'Hm, this is strange for Mrs. Tycho to just call for me..she's never done this before.. is it because of me screaming in second period? That might be it, but either way, those bitches fucking deserved it'

Renjun knocked a few times to alert he was there before opening the door. The classroom was practically empty but Mrs. Tycho seemed to be looking stressed. The teacher then looked at the boy and sighed in relief. She walked up and spoke in a slightly rushed manner.

"Renjun, thank you for coming. I have to go to a meeting in a bit and there's some papers that need sorting. There's another two students that should be coming here in a bit, so you can set your stuff down and get started early"
"That's no problem miss, calm down. You go on, I'll get started"
"Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow"

Another thing Renjun liked about Mrs. Tycho, she wasn't as cautious around him as others would seem. She treated him like any normal struggling teenager and not a ticking bomb. He nodded and put his bag down as the teacher rushed out the door. Renjun walked over to where there was a stack of papers located on a desk and started organizing them by periods. When he already had gone through period 1-4, there was a knock on the door before it opened. Renjun looked up and saw a boy and girl, both who seemed to be American. 'Well, What did I expect? We're in America. I guess I just spend too much time with my friends who are foreigners too'

They set their stuff down and sat next to the boy before grabbing one of the other stacks there were. That's when Renjun saw hints of why they were late-hickeys. The boy rolled his eyes and continued on. When he finished, he set them into their assigned containers and went to retrieve his stuff.

"Wait, you're already done?!"
"Yeah, it wasn't too difficult-"
"Can you help us? This is too difficult"

The Chinese boy looked at how much they did. They didn't even do two periods since they kept on flirting and talking around. He then looked at the clock. The last bell rang at 3:05 and it's 3:46 at the moment. Renjun shook his head.

"Please Reanjoon? You got through this fast anyways!"

That's when Renjun has lost his little dash of patience he had left. He scoffed and then glared at them, which made them flinch.

"Well, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you guys were too busy fucking each other in the school bathrooms that you came here twenty minutes later than I did. I'm sorry that you guys kept on being distracted and not actually helping with the papers. I'm so fucking sorry that you two are horny fucks that don't care about how uncomfortable your actions make others!!"

With that, Renjun left the classroom while slamming the door. The two in their chairs trembled as they processed what happened.

A/N: If you notice any errors(typos, grammar, anything) it'd be helpful if you say so and I'll fix it

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