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I did not went to class that day my body is badly beaten up and I can't walk properly. Funny how my mate despise the thought of having me. It's not a surprise though, I have expected that. No one else values an Omega like me. I know he will reject me and I will bear myself for the pain that it will inflict me.

Pain has been constant in my life but thanks to my wolf Jin, I don't feel so alone. Life is terrible, I just want to die sometimes but every time I do it Jin always comes to my mind and say the most comforting words I need to hear at that moment making me hope for more good days.

I know being mateless is going to be written in my fate, after all life ain't a fairy tale where true love changes everything. In my case true love was already robbed out from me.

"Attention! Calling all the pack members to gather to the hall an important announcement is about to be made. Everyone is subjected to come."

"Let's go Seokjin, maybe something important happened. We can't miss this."

I headed to the hall and everyone is already here.

"Look, the omega is beaten up again. Why can't he just die?"

"It's the Alpha's disgrace of a son."

"Why am I so unlucky and I belong to the same pack as him?"

"Ignore them"

"I know." I answered my wolf. I'm used to this, people wishing for my death and other stuffs. I wish for my death too you know? The moon goddess is just too cruel to let me live.

"Now that we are gathered here," I saw the man who beat me up a while ago it's Kim Taehyung, "I wanted you to know that I have found my mate and I want you all to know who it is." He looked at my direction and grinned at me.

"It's Kim Seokjin." Everyone turned their eyes on me and all of them are in awe. They didn't expect me to be his mate, of course. I'm weak and I can't be a competent Luna. "Come up here!" I don't know what is happening but I followed his orders anyway. I went up the mini stage in the hall and face the whole pack. I have a bad feeling of what is to happen and I am bracing myself for it.

"We don't want him as our Luna!"

"Reject him! Rejected him! Reject him!"

A massive rejection from my pack. Not new. Nothing pains me more. I'm just waiting for my mate's rejection and everything will be in place for the people of my pack.

"Calm down!" He stopped the crowd from making noise. "Who said I will bring such disgrace to our pack! Hell no! I will be an Alpha that you will be proud of and I am going to show you it now."

He held my shoulders and I winced in pain because he puts pressure to the bruised part of my flesh.

"I Kim Taehyung, the soon Alpha of this pack re-

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" A thunderous voice boomed in the hall. We all turned to see who it is and saw Taehyung's father rushing towards us along with the elders.

"Who told you that rejecting your mate would make you a great Alpha? You yourself is a disgrace! So is everyone of you! Why do you treat a poor omega like that! Our forefathers were male Omegas too!" He punched his son straight to his face.

Our Leader, Taehyung's father is not always seen in our pack as he is busy protecting us over Rouges who roam around and destroys a United pack like us. And when he appears like this everyone trembles.

"I will say this once and I will never repeat this again. Everyone in this pack should never ever say something inappropriate to male omegas especially my son's mate or else I will throw you out of this pack." Everyone nodded at his command.

"As for you, Kim Taehyung, you and Seokjin will live in one house. Learn to coordinate well with your mate like what me and your mother do. A strong pack needs to have an established leader and it will be soon the both of you. The moon goddess chose Seokjin for a reason. Don't contradict your fate"

He left again with the elders and went straight to the forest. I looked back at Taehyung who is now glaring at me. I guess I have to deal with hell for the rest of my life.

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