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"Seokjin! Seokjin! What the fuck! What happened?"

I rushed to the Omega and held him. I know I've been a jerk but I can't let him die in this house.


I tried to remove the dagger from his heart but my hands were shaking. Seokjin held my hand with all the strength that is left of him.


"You'll be ha-happy now. A-all of y-you." Blood came out of his mouth and he coughed violently. I can see tears running from his eyes sparkled by the dim moonlight.

"Shhh, don't speak. We'll get you safe." I never thought that this would be happening. I know he's hurt but not to this extent. Not to the point that he'll want to die. I can feel fear while looking at him, I don't want this Omega to die in my arms or else I'll be damned by my father.

"Just ... Let m-me die ... Please." I used all my strength left in my body and lifted him up. I can't care less about the growing pain in my soul, all I know is I needed him to be treated.

"No, no one is dying." I quickly dismissed him and ran as fast as I can and went on my way to the pack's doctor. I don't know where this fear is coming from but I know it's there. The moment I saw him lying down on the floor blood gushing out of his chest I felt everything, I don't know how but suddenly as his life was leaving his body I can feel mine do the same, I felt a part of me being taken away.

I reached the clinic and shouted at the resident doctor for help. "Help! Emergency! Help!" I was screaming frantically as time is running out. It's his heart he can die any moment if the doctors won't interfere. I don't know how they will save him, but I hope they can.

Just save him then I promise I'll be good. I promise I won't say anything that will hurt him. I will let him eat the ice cream he's been craving for, or even give him some soda to drink. I will change and treat him better.

"What changed? Why now? My mate is dying, why now?" V sounded so hurt and lifeless, just like what my soul is feeling now.

"I don't know."

Fuck! Where is that doctor!


Doctors came rushing towards me and pushed me away but I Just looked at Seokjin and didn't move an inch, his color is paling, his usual red lips were now running out of color. He is just staring back at me but his eyes were slowly closing.

"Don't close that eyes! You can't die!" I held his hands tightly, I can feel tears streaming down my face. I don't even know what changed but he can't die.

"Then, w-hy did y-you turn a-away from m-me?"

"I promise I won't, not again. Just don't die! I promise I'll give you whatever you ask of me, just don't die."

"T-too l-late." His grip on my hand loosen and I can hear his monitor going flat line. The doctors are pushing me away but I can't leave him. I can't move away from him .

"Mister, please step back. We can't do anything if you will stand our way. Kindly wait outside." A nurse accompanied me outside the waiting area and minutes seemed to feel like years for me. I needed to wait for a result, and I hope it's the best result that I can get.

"So, you care now? Just because you saw him almost dying in front of you that's why you are now promising to be a better person? Funny you didn't do that when he's still okay. When he asked for help. When it's not too late." My wolf started mocking me and my previous actions towards Jin. I can't blame him, all throughout this time he's the one who solely has affections towards his mate when everyone of us doesn't.

"I don't know, V! I don't know! I suddenly felt afraid and terrified at the thought of him dying. I feel that half of me is going to die with him as moments pass by."

"You're just guilty, Taehyung, you're only guilty because he suffered under your care, you're guilty because you know that if he will die your father is going to blame you, or worst disown you. You never really cared about my mate. You only cared about yourself. You're a selfish Alpha aiming to be the best leader for his pack but can't even accept his own Omega."

V's words cut deep. Even he won't believe me if I say that I'm worried about Seokjin now. I have been too cruel to him.

"Kim Taehyung?"

The doctor finally got out of that room I walked towards him and ready myself for the good news. Seokjin will live, right? He's not going to die, isn't he?

"Where's Seokjin? Can I see him now? Is he okay?"

I raised all my hopes up, I know he will make it.
The doctor just looked at me and I'm waiting for his answer, every second for me is torture.

"Where is he! Answer me!"

He guided me inside and I saw Seokjin lying on the bed. My heart sank when I realized what I'm seeing. He's gone. He didn't make it. He's right.

I'm too late.


I need your trust on this one I'll see you next week maybe. 😖😭❤️

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