#1: Who you met first+How

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You met Canada first. You had just recently got into a fight with a person. Being the strong person you are, though, you knocked them down easily. Despite your obvious win, you didn't get out of it unscathed. Canada just so happened to be walking by and offered to get you some pain killers and bandages. You took up the offer, and you both conversed on the way to the store.

You met Japan first. She saw you eating some Pocky alone while you were scrolling on your phone at the park, and decided you needed a friend. She sat next to you and started to spark a conversation.

You met Italy first. Your friend/relative invited you to a dinner that their friend was making, and you accepted because... well, FOOD! You made it there and there was all sorts of Italian cuisine on the table. Italy greeted you and told you to have as much as you like. You kept complimenting him on how good his cooking skills were, and he offered to made give you some if he made more than he anticipated in the future. You exchanged phone numbers and because friends instantly.

You met Russia first. You were at the bar after having a breakdown from all of the work that was piling up around you. To calm yourself you went to the bar to have a light drink or two. Out of nowhere stumbled a drunk Russia, groaning and occasionally chugging the vodka bottle he haphazardly swung around. Russia almost hit you in the head with the bottle but you managed to dodge in time. He apologized through hiccups to you and decided to throw all of his problems onto you for some reason. You were nervous about him driving home in such a state, so you brought him to his house in your car. Apparently he had walked. You left him your phone number in case he needed another ride home if that happened again.

You met France first. You were walking in a garden to cool your temper after having a fight with a friend/sibling, gazing around at the beautiful scenery. You then caught your eyes onto France, and noticed she was painting. You quietly snuck a few feet behind her to watch her expertise. She called you out almost two minutes after, but said you're allowed to stay and chat if you'd like.

You met Netherlands first. Well, technically you already knew him. Basically you found him doing weed and ended up taking it from him, worried for his health. He was angry with you at first before becoming docile and understood it made you anxious. You both ended up talking about other ways to cope with the anxiety that he had.

You met America first. Your friend/relative had invited you to a party at their house, and things started getting out of hand. People were rough housing, throwing food across the room, committing semi-sexual acts— it was nuts. All of a sudden you felt a presence next to you, and then something was around you neck. You looked to your side to see America smiling at you, asking why you weren't joining in on the fun. He held his arm around your neck while smiling. You didn't reply, so he dragged you outside to talk. You both ended up chatting it out near the pool.

You met Germany first. You've been slouching on your work at the job that you hated oh-so-much. People kept annoying you, asking dumb questions, etc etc.. You decided to step out of the place for a good while and began to take deep breaths. You looked to your side to see Germany slouching on the building's wall, drinking coffee. You asked him why he always worked so hard, and how he did it. He hadn't responded to you, so you both sat in silence for a while. He mumbled something under his breath before walking inside. You weren't sure if what he said was positive or negative, but you could've sworn there was a smile on his face.

You met South Korea first. You met him while you were playing Minecraft, and he asked you to team up against the others so you could win. You would both duel it out at the end. This happened for a few more rounds before you exchanged discords(texting and calling app for gamers).

You met Britain first. He was calmly sipping some tear in a beautiful teacup that caught your eye. You asked him where he bought the cup from and he went on about how the teacup with priceless, and hand crafted, and... well, you get it. You were bored, so you ended up listening to the fine tales of how the teacup was created. He noticed you were still there, listening quietly to his blabbering. He then asked if you'd like some tea, as well.

You met Australia first. There was a huge unidentifiable bug in your house/apartment, and you told your friend/sibling. They told you about a person named Australia, and that they were really good with large bugs and pests. You got in contact with him and told him about your situation. He said he'd take care of it with no costs, and you sent him you're address.
Australia got there about 25 minutes later, and told you he'd find you for you. It took another 25 minutes before he opened the door with a the bug in a glass bottle. It was a tarantula. He told you that he'd take care take it somewhere safe, and said if you ever have anymore problems he was the guy to call.
Later he texted you a picture of the tarantula with "I named him Terry!" Below it.

You met Poland first. Just recently you had a massive breakup with your ex lover, them dumping you for someone who was more "down to earth". So there you were, stirring some (favorite drink) in a café, spacing out. All of a sudden you heard someone sit across from you. It was Poland. He asked you why you looked so sad, and you simply replied "because good things never last." He sipped some of his coffee before saying "Sometimes you have to go through the bad to get to the good." That made you smile. You ended up talking for a while, and exchanged numbers.

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