#3: Who developed a crush on you

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Thank you for the 100+ reads. This also includes how long the crush lasted, and if you got together. 💕

Norway; It lasted for half a year. You're energetic and adventurous attitude kept him running after you. While you two were jogging around a forest, he stopped you and asked, "wanna go out?" You said sure, and both of you kept going on your little marathon. Eventually he brought you out on a proper date. You two ended up together.

Italy; It lasted a month. He loved that you loved his cooking, and offered for you to help him sometimes. You said yes, and both of you practiced cooking at least once ever week ever since. One day he told you that he wanted to cook alone, and you confusedly went to the dining room. About fifteen minutes later he brought you a pizza with heart shaped pepperonis. He asked; "Will you be my chef-ette?" It took you a bit to realize what he meant, and you said yes. You both ended up together.

Ukraine; It lasted one month. He loved to pick flowers with you and make multiple flower crown combinations. You two also watched different television shows when you weren't talking about the most random things. His crush faded into a simple friendship. You two did not end up together.

Canada; It lasted for two months. He thought you were the sweetest person in the world, and still does. His crush faded as he started to see you more as a sibling. You didn't end up together.

America; It surprisingly lasted for four months. He loves your personality and, for some reason, your hair. He asked you out and you were a bit on edge about it, since he has a lot of ex's. Still, you gave him a chance. You two ended up together.

Brazil; It lasted ten days approximately. He always encouraged you to try Brazilian foods, and you went to his many football games. His crush faded away when he realized he loved you as a best friend, not a lover. You two did not end up together.

EU; It lasted for four months before you caught on and asked him out. He loves your ability to calm a room, and carry peace wherever you are. You two ended up together.

Russia; it lasted about two weeks. He loved your tough attitude and calming demeanor. He isn't one for love though, so he forced his feelings away. You didn't end up together(?).

Vietnam; It lasted A̶ ̶d̶e̶c̶a̶d̶e̶ an entire year. His inventions had been greatly improving ever since he met you. He fell in love with you, rather than developed a crush. Although he loved you greatly he was too stubborn to admit it. You asked him out, and he said 'whatever'. His face was a blushing mess though. You two ended up together.

Finland; It lasted literally a minute. You had brought him some alcohol since you knew he liked it so much. No ones ever done that for him, so he thought you romantically liked him. He brushed it off and said he has no need for a lover. You two did not end up together.

S.Korea; it lasted for a whole year. He always tried his hardest to get close to you, and played Minecraft with you very often. He eventually asked you in Minecraft by putting his bed next to yours and typed in the chat: "will you be the mine to my craft?" You simply typed ofc(of course). You two end up together.

Germany; It lasted a week. You didn't catch on because he's was way to good at hiding it, so evidently you did not end up together.

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