#7: "You did what?!"

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Uh-oh. Looks like you've managed to get one of the countryhumans angry! Who was it? What did you even do?

What could you do? You were hungry, and needed to leave soon. You found some food in the fridge of Aussie's place, and decided to warm it up. Aussie hadn't commented on it when he walked past you, so you thought it was okay. Soon you left to go do whatever it was you were desperately trying to rush to get to.
Once you had went back to Aussie's house for a visit, you found him being yelled at my a drowsy New Zealand. He began to pout childishly as Australia attempted to explain something. You asked what was going on calmly, and it turns out NZ's food had gone missing. It clicked in your head quickly, and you could tell it did in Aussie's as well.
You calmly explained to Zealand that you would get him some more of what you had eaten, and that you were sorry. He hesitantly forgave you and you kept your word.

You didn't know how, but Russia had immediately suspected you of your harmless prank. He wasn't necessarily outraged by your little joke, but he was pretty annoyed. You nervously laughed it off as Russia loomed over you menacingly. Your hands were shaking a little when you pulled out his freshly bought vodka bottle from under your bed. He hissed a "never do that again," at you and walked away. Your rebuttal was to stick your tongue at him behind his back.

You knew Japan was going to be angry.
You desperately fumbled to throw the sopping manga book out of the bath tub. It hit the floor with a sorrowful smack, and released the water that was building up inside of it from the impact. You winced as your face fell into a cringe. You could already depict Japan unsheathing her katana and threatening you.
I could just replace it, you thought. It can't be that much, you presumed. You were so, so wrong. The manga was 6000 yen(55 USD, 50 EURO)! You'd have to explain to her about what you'd done.
It was not pretty.
She was angrily cursing you out in Japanese, katana pointed straight to your throat. She told you to leave, and so you did. You'd repay her later.

The UK was furious with you. You had accidentally dropped his favorite tea set... whoops. His face went from majority ocean blue to bold red in a matter of seconds. You apologized before he was able to explode.
He began to yell about "how expensive the set was," and "how clumsy you were." You sat there, taking it so his temper wouldn't get even worse.
After about 5 minutes of yelling, he brought himself to a halt. He recognized how much of a ruckus he was creating, and cleared his throat. You internally let out a sigh of relief.
"£200." He stated, before walking away. It would seem like he were stomping if it weren't for his elegant posture. You sat there, wondering if you could somehow get out of this without having to pay.
Nothing came to mind.

You huffed angrily, arms crossed and foot tapping repeatedly on the floor. Before you was a knocked out America, snoring louder than revving motorcycle. You were getting tired of having to do all of his work. Being treated like a housewife was a no-go. In return of America's laziness, you decided to spite him by throwing out his favorite jersey. You simply threw it in the trash and buried it underneath the garbage he was supposed to take out.
America rose later that day. He told you he had a game to go to, to which you replied nonchalantly. He went in the bedroom and didn't come out until 15 minutes later. He asked you where his jersey was. You replied mischievously, "You should have done your part of the chores." You watched as his face went from confused, to shocked, to angered.

"I'm not sensitive!" Poland said, raising his voice angrily. You were doing some playful bantering with Poland. You offered to help him out on a party coming up. It would be Hungary's birthday soon.
You were hoping that Poland would let you handle the foods, but he simply called you over to come up with ideas. "We could have just done that over the phone," you told him. He got flustered and stated it's best to prioritize the situation by not having other distractions.
At some point, you began to jokingly tease Poland about his feelings towards Hungary. Of course he continued to deny this. His face was becoming redder by the second. You couldn't tell if it were from embarrassment or anger.
When he started to spit half-insults back, you jokingly called him sensitive. He didn't take kindly to that.
Now here you were, laughing to yourself and Poland gave off multiple reasons on why he wasn't sensitive. If it got to the point, you would apologize.

You happily munched down on the last (flavor) pocky stick of the box. You reached in to fish for another one of it's cookie goodness; but to no avail. You had emptied it out! You simply shrugged this off and got up to get some more. S.Korea wouldn't mind... right? You waltzed over to the kitchen's closet and scanned the shelves quickly. No pocky in sight. Again you examined the shelves, this time a bit slower. Perhaps you had missed it the first time in your impatience. None at all.
Suddenly you heard footsteps. You turned around to see South Korea, holding a water gun. He looked mad, but not boiling mad. I'm a way, he almost looked hurt. You recoiled from the sight and threw your hands out, guarding your body from the possible oncoming stream of water. He asked you if you ate all the pocky. You unintentionally replied yes, which caused him to soak you in ice cold water. He aimed from your stomach, causing you to cover that area; then your face. After bathing you in water and also getting some sink water thrown on himself, you both had a bit of a laughing fit. He was still mad at you of course, so you bought him two packs of his favorite.

It was a simple joke. Why was Finland making such a big deal out of it?!
You hid in the bathroom closet, wondering why you were cowering in fear from the alcoholic country. You could easily take him down... but you weren't sure if Estonia would appreciate a fight breaking out. It was then you heard her likely trailing after Finland, telling him that it was only playful bickering, but he wasn't having it. Finland proclaimed that he would kick you to so far out of the atmosphere, Poland would be jealous. Estonia and yourself were still confused on why he had gotten so angry about the squabble. You and Estonia always spoke like that to each other. It was your thing. Still, here this country was, stomping around, being chased by a small country that began to get angry with his irrational actions. You didn't know how long you were willing to wait; but time was ticking. Perhaps you'd have to fight.

You were unloading the washing machine, humming your favorite tune. You placed all of the clothes inside of the dryer just after you straightened them out so they wouldn't be so wrinkled. At first you were doing it almost robotically, making the same movements over and over again. It wasn't until you came across Philippine's shrunken bandana that your unbreakable cycle was snapped. His favorite bandana had been completely ruined by the washing machine's scorching water. Your eyes widened with absolute shock. You'd always been told not to get on Phil's bad side.
Your first thought was to argue back. You hadn't known if was in there, therefore it wasn't your fault, right? Your mind was being flooded with precise plans to utilize your fight or flight response. Perhaps you'd cooly speak to him; and then he'd understand your mistake.
It was then that Phil opened the door calmly and asked you in a confused manner; "have you seen my favorite bandana?" You kept your cool and stated nonchalantly that you haven't. He eyed you suspiciously for a second before walking away. You were safe from his asperity... for now.

All you heard was Australia yelling "my baby!" while desperately asking his pet tarantula questions. You slowly began to back away from the crime scene. Your grip on the bat behind your back tightened, as did your facial expression. It had crawled begun to crawl up your body, so instinctively you attacked with the nearest weapon possible. It wasn't your fault! Right???
You felt a hand on your shoulder all of a sudden. It's grip began to tighten, and you began to sweat from the sudden sweltering air. Your (e/c) eyes landed on Aussy's pure white ones. He looked absolutely deranged. Your fight or flight response kicked in. You flew from his grip, escaping his wrath scarcely. Immediately you barged out of the door. Aussy tailed behind with what seemed like a golf club, screaming like a senseless child. You too began to scream; but in absolute terror.

"You're so mean, (y/n)!!" Canada had said recently. It looked like he was about to start crying any second. You were just teasing him. Why was he being so sensitive about it?
Canada made some simple insults back to you. He ended up saying sorry right after, but was still mad at you for not being more sympathetic with him.
Canada had recently been rejected by his crush. It only lasted for a week, and he wasn't that hurt by it, but he still wanted you to emphasize with him. Sadly you hadn't caught on and taunted him. Now here you were, apologizing to the sensitive country who had his arms crossed and cheeks puffed out childishly.

No one is mad. You are simply too baby. That is all.

Should I start putting my stories in present tense? And Pisces, if you want an actual story then just reply here!
I hope you all liked this chapter!

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