#8: America's Party

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Hey! I'm sorry if this is a bit low quality compared to my other chapters; I just wanted to update and show that I'm alive! Not very well, but alive!! I hope you are all doing okay and find happiness in the future if not.
Oh yeah!
Thank you all so much for 2K reads! I didn't expect us to get this far! I feel I have much more confidence in my writing because of all of you. Thank you!💕

You were given an invitation/offered to attend America's party! What are you doing??

"NO UNO!" America yelled as he pointed at you. You groaned and rolled your eyes, pulling two cards from the faltering stack of Uno cards. Sweden laughs at your dismay as he glances down at his own three cards. Ukraine squints his eyes at America, unsure if he is cheating or not.

You snag another batch of freshly made brownies and slide them onto the counter for cutting. Italy notices and takes out a knife, swiftly putting an end the the full goodness of the brownie cake. You smile sweetly at your job well done and tend to other foods that need to be spiced or cooled down.

You snatched the bottle of maple syrup from Canada's hands quickly. He looked at you in a shocked and almost sad manner, unsure of how to react. You furrow you're brows and huff.
"You can't just put maple syrup on everything!" You stated with a hint of annoyance. He too began to pout, which his cheeks puffed out and an angry expression on his face. He snatched the bottle from your loosened grip in response, and eyed you as the maple syrup dripped on the freshly made brownies.
"Nada!!" You nagged.

You slouched against Poland's shoulder and groaned. He placed his hand on your head and pat you before letting out an exasperated sigh himself. You slowly began to regret ever coming to the rowdy party, and so was Poland. For you; you didn't know a single person at the party, therefore reverting you back to wallflower status. Poland was just as bad; feeling too anxious and awkward to genuinely communicate with anyone. Over a series of text messages, the two of you devised a plan to escape the extroverts of the party's wrath. Then the two of you would likely have your own party at home; which includes pizza and movies.

It's literally a sweater. What's this old man screaming about? All it uses is a bit of profanity and gore. It's a party, for heaven's sake! You slouched your back and looked over at the dinner table, where America, Ukraine, Sweden, and Aries were having fun with UNO. You desperately wanted to join.
"Are you even listening to me, young (man/lady/child?!)" Britain said to you. You lazily nodded your head. You felt like a child being nagged by a parent.

"I thought you said you were bad at this?!" You exclaimed playfully. You softly punched Germany's arm as the winning screen appeared with his character plastered onto it as first place. He kindly laughs at your banter and offers another match. You accept. You'd win to him, even if it took the whole party!

You felt a splash of water him your already drenched face. With a playful giggle you swatted back, hearing the laughter of the adorable Japan. You were surprised she was willing to even step foot near the water since she was partially cat. Now the two of you stood on the shallow side, chatting and play fighting each other.
"CANNON BALL!!" Was all the warning you got before you were pushed away by an a unknown force.
South Korea jumped into the water off of the diving board. A tidal wave of water came crashing down on both you and Japan. You desperately shielded yourself from the tide completely devouring you, and held your breath. Shortly after that incident both you and Japan emerged from the watery depths to a shying away SK. The both of you glanced at each other, knowing exactly what you were about to do.

"It's in here," you heard the victim country state. You watched and the silhouette calmly opened the door and felt their leg being tugged on. All of a sudden there was a pan full of dough plastered onto their face. You snickered quietly to yourself.
"I swear to all things holy if (y/n) did this, they're in for a treat."

It wasn't as exhilarating as you had expected it to be.
America chose you to be the DJ at the party. He knew you'd be able to sample everyones tastes in no time, as they weren't necessarily hard to read. Many complimented you on your choice of music, while some blatantly stated to change it. You held up well, though. You even got a few candy brownies from Taurus as a gift for working so hard! You could tell they wanted them for themselves, though.

You question this over and over again in your head, hoping to come up with a valid answer.
Why am I here? You asked yourself for the 6,000th time. It could've been the convincing and energetic smile of America, or the fact that you expected a tamer party... how silly of you.
Your eyes flickered over to the famed wallflowers; Cancer and Poland. You could tell they were up to something, and contemplated joining in, just in case they were ditching.

You didn't go at all. (Favorite show) was finally getting an update, and you were desperate to binge it. Y'know, alone?

You were outside listening to some music and glancing up at the stars. There were the few kind faces that asked you what was up, but you just stated "I'm vibing," with absolutely no context. They simply took it as you just being yourself and left it alone.

I apologize if there's any mistakes! I hope you all liked the scenarios, as well! Farewell!

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