#5: Their gift to you!

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Which countryhumans gets you a gift? What will the gift be?

South Korea had bought you a new gaming controller. Your old one had been acting up and randomly flipping your character around, making you unable to play. While you were playing a multiplayer game with SK, he noticed your character acting stranger and thought to buy you a new controller before even asking you.
He gave it to you when you invited him over to watch Netflix together. It was (favorite color), with a (favorite pattern) pattern. You of course thanked him for it and set it in your room.

You and Romania were watching a cooking show together after wandering the mall for an hour or two. You were both jokingly talking about how either of you could cook better with just an easy bake oven. Once it was time to go, Romania said his good byes and left.
The next day he came to your house, lugging a huge box in his arms while trying to hold back his laughter. You were confused and sleepy, but you let him inside anyways. He dropped the box onto your kitchen's counter and told you to open it. You did with a bit of help from a kitchen knife. Lo and behold, it's an easy bake oven. You had to register why he would buy such a thing and bring it to you if all people. When it clicked though, you both were on the floor cracking up.
In the end you two ended up breaking it. Fun while it lasted, though.

It happened somewhat expectedly, but still left you in shock. UK handed you a small white box that had the engraving of a company you couldn't identify. The two of you were at a restaurant after making plans to talk about hobbies and get to know each other. He encouraged you to open it, so you did.
It was a beautiful golden pocket mirror. It had your initials carved into into the front . When you clipped it open it showed your crystal clear reflection. Your eyes glittered as you mumbled a thank you. You said it a little louder in case he hadn't heard you, and smiled kindly. He smiled back.

America gifted you a cheese burger. You heard me right; a cheese burger. It wasn't exactly a gifting, rather a prank. He chucked it at your face after doing a knock knock joke with you. You remained unfazed and ate it. He stopped laughing immediately and got sad because that was his only one at the time :(.

It was during the fall time. Chile noticed you hadn't had anything colorful to wear. Your outerwear mostly consisted of blacks and de-saturated colors. In response to this lack of personality in your clothes, he took your favorite vibrant color and maximized it on your poncho.
He gave it to you one day and complained about your lack of spirit. You put it on immediately and thanked him.

You and Latvia were conversing about cultural foods. She talked greatly about potatoes, but this was expected. She was saying how she puts them in almost everything. You listed off the many things potatoes would not usually go with, and eventually you said "Even PANCAKED POTATOES?!" to which she got up from her couch and walked into the kitchen. You were confused but awaited her next arrival patiently. She came back about five minutes later with a plate with... potato pancakes. Latvia stated that she had some leftovers that she was willing to share. You took the plate and ate some. Unsurprisingly, it was amazing. You two continued to dive into more Latvian culinary choices.

You honestly had no need for it, but a gift is a gift.
China gave you a porcelain tea set and stated that he had extras. You took it and mumbled a thank you while examining the outstanding pottery skills. UK talked highly about the gifts, stating that they were also well handcrafted. He seemed a bit jealous at your gift but didn't bother to ask for it. You were sure China wouldn't care, so you ended up offering them to him. He obliged your offer, despite the obvious pained look. He must've seen his rejection as gentlemanly.

Russia gave you a bottle of vodka after hearing you've never drunk before. He told you that he expected someone like you to drink often, and you obviously took offense to that. Still, you took his offer and observed it for a second. It was quite strong for your first alcoholic beverage. Russia gave you tips on how to make the drink a little tastier, and less strong. You noted these things down.

It's up to you whether you drunk it or not.
If you didn't, then he wouldn't care; he'd simply ask for it back.

If you did, then you end up going to the bar with him and talking about random things while slowly getting drunk and experimenting with new drinks.

You had been forced to go to this fancy restaurant by Belarus. She's amazing and all, but wearing fancy clothes and going to high class parties is not. While you were putting your clothes on, Belarus came in with a bow matching the one on her head. You of course put it on and gave the bow and Belarus compliments. After the party she said you could keep it.

When Egypt mentioned shawarma, you stated that you had never heard of such a thing in your life. He gasped dramatically and rambled about the different combinations you could use, and how delicious his favorite combination was. He convinced you to go with him to a place that specializes in shawarma, and bought you one. To no surprise it was amazing. He gave you more ideas on what to put in shawarma, and asked if later you two could make some together.

Canada honestly just wanted to be twins with someone. He gifted you the scarf during the fall, where it would be most fashionable. It was similar to his, except the stripes weren't red and white, they were (favorite color) and (white/black). You accepted it and wore it around with him. Canada stated that he made one for his brother, but he hadn't seen him put it on. This made you two sad of course, so you promised that you'd wear the one he gave you whenever you could. This left a smile on his face that lasted the entire day.

Germany had asked to use your home computer while you were away on vacation. Yours was a lot less clunky than his, and he would just insert his own account instead of using yours. You agreed to his offer with a smile. He thanked you and went back to working on his own computer for the time being.
Once you got back from your vacation, your computer was back in your room... but something was off. You had an entirely different mouse than from last time. Originally the mouse was black and (favorite color), and was wired. This time it had a (favorite pattern) pattern, and was (second favorite color). It was wireless, as well. You confronted Germany about this, and he embarrassingly explained how he had fallen asleep on the computer and drooled on the old mouse. He didn't know if it would still work or not because he instinctively bought you a new one.
You thanked him and gave him a hug, saying that you appreciated the replacement instead of ignoring it.

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