#0.5: Renewed Personality Comparisons

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A few of these are very dissimilar compared to the ones from before. Some of these are the same, as well. I just couldn't find any other Countryhuman that's best for said zodiac! This time I took into consideration of the other traits that come with the zodiacs.

Norway//sporty, competitive, friendly, charming
I was very on edge about choosing Norway for the Aries sign. Now, the Aries zodiac is known to be somewhat quick tempered— and that's what Norway is not. I decided that I'd leave that negative trait out, though. With that out of the way, it felt right to give the Aries sign Norway.

Italy//indulgent, craves comfort, dangerous when provoked, observant, childish
This is what I'm on edge about. While I was researching Italy, I found that they are childish, but... that was it, haha. So! I searched up some attributes of the actual country Italy, and found how cozy the country is! It appears as if you coult make yourself at home as soon as you step foot into the country. Italy can be quite dangerous, though. Don't be fooled!

Vietnam//persuasive, balanced, inconsistent, versatile
I didn't know much about Vietnam. It was interesting to hear how much he relates to Gemini! Vietnam's is generally a balanced country, while also being... inconsistent? It's a strange combination that contrasts a lot, but hey. Gemini tends to work on many things, making them a versatile zodiac. Gemini signs also rely heavily on communication. The split between north Vietnam and south Vietnam was brought to mind when I found that out. With communication, they reunited into one.

Canada//introverted, emotional, subtle, clingy
I couldn't find a better country for the Cancer sign. Canada just seems so perfect for it! I have learned though, that Canada tends to worry, and is somewhat attached to his brother, America. We all know the countryhuman Canada is known for apologizing a lot. I feel bad for the poor boy. Cancers are usually far more protective and attached to people they see as family/are their family.

America//interfering, generous, dogmatic, enthusiastic
Although Leo's tend to take immediate action over certain situations, that doesn't stop them from being Generous and generally attempt to be helpful. America's dogmatic attitude is something that's a bit controversial in my opinion; but I'd like to make the headcanon that he is stubborn when it comes to rules. Despite this he strives for others to follow his own...

Germany//meticulous, harsh, reliable, worrier
Germany is probably one of my favorite zodiacs. He's quite meticulous— meaning he puts effort and detail into all of his work. He's also pretty harsh though. Still, his perspective towards helping the planet rehabilitate itself and stop a the rising crisis of global warming makes me smile. The perseverance is seen within the Virgo sign and Germany are nearly identical.

France//charming, romantic, easily influenced, self indulgent
Romance, beauty, and a love for all forms of art. Libra is all about balance and tranquility, which is what France tends to strive for. Self indulgences come from the idea of France constantly treating herself to pastries and solitude.

Russia//secretive, determined, resentful, powerful
Yours didn't change either; huh, Scorpio? I know it's a bit stereotypical to give the Scorpio zodiac Russia, but it fits far too well. Russia holds many secrets underneath that tough skin of has. He's mentally and physically overpowering, in a way.

Japan//humoring, irresponsible, jovial, honest
A personal belief is that Japan is an adorable little bean with nothing but a love for Japanese cartoons and indulgent treats. Don't be fooled by that cute face, though. She'll point a katana in your face in no time. Japan has a knack for making making hilarious game shows, which reminded me of the Sagittarius sign's cynical humor.

Serbia//pessimistic, patient, careful
Serbia's pessimism is thankfully not overwhelming. A cynical attitude and a love for sarcasm. the Capricorn zodiac still hold a lot of emotion in that heart of yours, though. Caution is your best friend!

Switzerland//apathetic, detached, contrary, independent
Apathetic about the trivial wars that erupt against the people around you. Switzerland is always in a neutral mindset, never wanting to get involved with everyone's bickering. I respect that. Aquarius zodiac is occasionally kind, though! When someone's going through rough times, I assume you give your sympathy. The Aquarius's sign independence greatly compares to that of Switzerland's isolation.

Philippines//vague, sensitive, sympathetic, melancholic, easily-influenced
The Pisces zodiac is stated to have an imaginative and empathetic yet melancholic personality. The countryhuman, Philippines, reminds me of this personality. He appears to have positive yet somewhat gloomy characteristics. Phil is sometimes seen to have a "love square" with America, Japan, and Spain. This relates to the imaginative and romantic mind that the Pisces zodiac generally relates to.

This... this took a while, if you couldn't tell. I tried much harder to find countryhumans that fit the Zodiacs. I won't be renewing this anymore, so I hope you all appreciate this renewed chapter.

I intend to add some drawn head shots of the zodiacs and their countryhumans to this chapter. It won't be much, but I like the idea of getting my art out there. I hope you are all having a fine day/night, and are staying positive for the future. Remember, life is what you make it. Farewell.

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