#6: Outdoors Activities

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You and America decided to take a break from watched basketball to do some grilling. He ended up making hamburgers while you were grilling steaks and sausages. The smell was absolutely delectable. It reeled in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and UK. You all sat down to converse after the food was done. They complimented your cooking skills, as well as America's— though you were sure America was giving you the stink eye.

You felt the wind hit your face as your skateboard flew up the ramp, along with yourself. It was exhilarating, and the feeling made your blood rush. South Korea had invited you to go skateboarding with him and New Zealand. You accepted excitedly and retrieved your skateboard. Of course you all rode the entire way there, with a few mishaps.
You  and SK had a contest to see who could do the best tricks. You ended up winning, but you still complimented all of SK's tricks and uniqueness. You ended up teaching SK some tricks, and he taught you most of his. New Zealand stuck out, since he's new to skateboarding. He didn't mind being a judge.

You and Japan were cosplaying as two anime characters from the same anime. You planned out the cosplays earlier on, and they came out extremely well! They ended up being so well that Japan offered for you to LARP(Live Action Role Play) with her! You agreed to do it in secret, since LARPing was seen as embarrassing to the both of you.
The role play was going swimmingly. You both fell deep into character and genuinely had fun! Luckily you didn't get caught by anyone... or at least, you didn't notice yourself getting caught.

Surprisingly, Netherlands was not higher than a kite the day he had asked you to go photographing with him. This obviously astonished you, but you accepted. The two of you wandered a forest that was absolutely beautiful. The luscious greenery made everything seem surreal and magical. Birds chirping and the rustle of leaves billowing I'm the wind put the both of you at ease.
You both ended up taking pictures of birds you both couldn't analyze. At some point in your exploration, you saw a rabbit with strangely unnatural colored fur. Sadly, it ran away too fast for you to get a picture. It had run away from the sound of someone yelling out. You and Netherlands decided to investigate. It turned out to be Gemini and Japan LARPing. The two of you shrugged it off and left it alone, but not before snapping a few photos to send to them later.

You don't know why you decided to play soccer with Brazil. He's far too good at playing it. Whenever you try to get a score against him, he manages to outsmart you entirely. You began to become envious of these skills. Eventually you admitted to being tuckered out, and you both conversed over slushees. He stated that you were good, but not as good as him. You smacked the back of his head and called him a narc. He laughed at your attitude. To your dismay, his laugh was contagious. You started laughing as well.

You weren't really surprised when you were told Australia owned a zoo. He offered to show you around. Deep down you knew he just wanted to talk about his animals, but hearing him be so passionate about them always put a smile on your face. You accepted and he dragged you there almost immediately.
He had given all of the animals individual names, and could even tell the difference between all of them. You found it adorable with he had said he named one of his tarantulas after you, and thanked him. He said they reminded him of your personality.
The sun was disappearing behind the towering buildings by the time the two of you began to exit. He stated that you were welcomed to come back at any time.

Germany had come to you to help him with a work project. He stated nervously that he had accidentally dismissed it, and needs help gathering hand made notes on nature, as well as pictures. You agreed to help him, seeing as he probably wouldn't give up on getting you to help.
The two of you had fun taking pictures of different flower species and tree types. You jokingly photobombed some of the pictures. The two of you switched from writing and taking pictures ever so often.
The sun was setting when he decided he'd gathered enough information. He thanked you and waved a goodbye as he made way for his house.

It was a summer night. There was a small breeze picking up outside, and the stars seemed to shine brighter. The rare appearance of clouds made the night evermore beautiful.
Greece dragged you outside at around eleven at night, ecstatic to show you some constellations he'd found. You were a little grumpy at first, but ended up being absolutely astonished by Greece's knowledge of the cosmos. He picked out all of the constellation locations without even looking at times. Watching the light of genuine excitement flicker in Greece's eyes every time you asked about the constellations made your heart smile. Later you said your goodbye and went straight to bed.

Canada forced you away from (favorite game), complaining that you almost never go outside anymore. You hissed at him, saying that you go outside often. This was a half lie, but you wouldn't admit it.
Canada drove you to a park. There were many dogs playing around. The variety of different dogs just living in the moment made Canada giddy. He immediately went around to play with them.
You sat under a tree to catch some shade and play a mobile game. While you were on your phone, though, a certain dog had made their way to you and quietly watched you play your game. When you had finished the level, you looked over to see it was a (favorite dog breed). They didn't seem to have a collar, but you didn't want to take any chances. You tried moving away from the dog, but they were persistent. Canada noticed and stated that they liked you. With the dog following you around, there was no way you could leave.
You ended up staying just in case the owner came around to pick them up. The time span quickly went from minutes to hours of you waiting, and it was becoming night time. Eventually you began to think that the poor pup had been abandoned. Canada attempted to distract the dog from you, but they just wouldn't budge. You made a choice:

Keep the pup;
You decided that maybe having a dog wouldn't be so bad. If the owner genuinely missed the dog, they would put up posters. Canada helped you pick out some fairly cheap dog items in case he did end up being someone else's.
To your surprise, no one had taken the dog or put up any signs. You bought better items for them and soon made a bond. At least you weren't lonely anymore.
Leave the pup;
You made a run for it. You were NOT going to get in trouble for dog napping. The dog was hot on your tail, but soon slowed down. Canada followed after you and drove you home.

Sweden, Iceland, and Finland brought you to a paint balling area to have some fun. You chose to do teams, you teaming with Sweden. He was surprisingly good at this sport. Iceland and Finland were fairly sneaky in defense, though. They had snuck up on you more than a few times and attacked you. Luckily they hadn't managed to get either of you down yet. While the two of you were strategizing, though, Finland had snuck behind you and hit you with a paintball! Sweden drove him away quickly and dramatically mourned your "death." He ended up behind shot by Iceland. Afterwards you four had snowballs and went home.

You and France had planned this out already. There was a nature walk area that had a list of animals that you could find. The two of you would have a semi-race to see who could find the most animals. The animals you both saw were mostly adorable, and you saw the simple details that made them differ from other breeds of it's kind.
France ended up winning by a long shot, but that was because you were sitting back and taking note of the animals rather than racing to find all of them. France complimented you on your way of concentration and mental notation skills. She was kind of sad that there wasn't much competition, though. You bought her some candy of her choosing as a winning gift, and the both of you parted ways after saying goodbye.

Ukraine had shaken you awake one day after the two of you had a sleepover. She was practically bouncing up at down, asking you to go to the beach with her. You groggily said sure, unsure of what you were getting yourself into. Once you were up and sober, it dawned to you on what had happened.
The two of you packed accordingly and made your way to the beach. You set up a place to stay while Ukraine made her way to the ocean water. You watched from your spot as she tried to get accustomed to the water temperature. You eventually made your way over so that she wouldn't be alone. Ukraine dragged you into the ocean, causing you to scream from the cold temperature. You splashed water onto her and she splashed water back. To say the least, it was fun to get out and joke around and swim.
Later the two of you got boba tea and had some khrustyky cookies to Ukraine's delight. You made tall sand castle, and even collected a few seashells.
Once Ukraine had dropped you off at your home, she thanked you for the trip and stated that you two should go places more often.

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