#9:Happy Holidays💕

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Hello, everyone.

A countryhuman have gathered you and some other countryhumans and plan to have a special holiday with you!

Cancer, Pisces, Virgo, and Gemini...
You'll be having a fun holiday planned with Canada, Japan, Antarctica, and Poland!

After hearing that everyone had a holiday break, Japan invited everyone to have a sleepover at her house! She thought to invite You as well as Canada, Antarctica, and Poland because she knew you'd all be far more calm and less annoying than the other countries.
The five of you did a lot of wholesome games, but the night had ended with a 'simple' game of monopoly. Let's just say that Poland no longer trusts you anymore. That's what he said, at least. All mends were made by the end of the game. You even bought Poland a pierogi as an apology.
The next day, instead of parting ways, you all went to a huge outlet and spent who knows how much money. Canada bought you a nice sweater that he saw you eyeing just that day. How sweet! Then, all of you sat down and chatted over some Asian foods at a small Japanese restaurant. It was Japan's treat.

Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus, and Capricorn...
You'll be having a fun holiday planned with France, Italy, UK, and Spain!

While you were out on a walk with Spain and his dog, you came across France and Italy chatting about who-knows-what. Spain took the lead and decided to jump into the conversation. You somewhat sat awkwardly behind him, not knowing what to say.
While you had been spacing out, though, it turns out that the three had made plans! They shook you out of your daydream and explained it you to briefly. Before you could even say no, they dragged you off to the park where they'd meet UK.
The five of you firstly went to an art museum. France paid for all of  you to get in. She had a discount because her art was in the building. Almost all of the pieces of art managed to catch your eye. You saw beautiful paintings from the renaissance era, and modern art that looked so simplistic you were sure even yourself could do them.
After a handful of hours in art heaven, you were all forcefully dragged to a tea shop by the UK. The museum was already a bit much, now you had to try tea? Once you had gotten there, though, you saw the beauty of the place. Everything seemed so overly detailed and designed. It was almost breathtaking.
You all had tea together, except for Spain. He whispered to you that he snuck tequila into his own. You wondered when he'd get drunk.

Aries, Leo, Libra, and Sagittarius...
You'll be having a fun holiday planned with America, South Korea, Australia, and Norway!

Obviously, America hosted it. He rung you up, as well as Aussie, SK, and Norway to have a game night. You gladly accepted the offer. Little did you know, America had a little trick up his sleeve.
All of you gathered at America's home the next day. When he opened the door, he had the most mischievous grin you were sure he could muster. All of you reluctantly stepped into the darkened home. The door quickly shut behind you, and the lights flicked on. America told you that the first game would be Uno, with a twist.
The person at the end of the game to have the most cards must either take an article of clothing off, or put five dollars on the table.
If you placed the money, the person with the most amount of money on the table must give it to the person with the most wins.
You immediately went to bolt the heck out of there, as well as Norway. The door was locked. You turned towards SK and Aussy. They were a part of this plan, too!
In the end, you had won. Norway was the one to have lost the most money, so he annoyingly handed it to you. You decided to be merciful, though, and let him keep it.
(If you're female/uncomfortable with rules...)
You were on the verge of beating America to death just for even mentioning stripping. He rearranged the game rules so that stripping is replaced with having to do something embarrassing in front of everyone.
About 5 hours later, you had won with only 15 dollars on the table at 5 wins.
America was in a tutu and tiara,(courtesy to you,) Spain had Christmas lights wrapped around his head and jam dripping from his face, and Norway was on the verge of being broke.
Since you were the winner, you decided to be merciful and let Norway have their money back. Then you forced America to pay up for making you stay there.

I apologize if there's any mistakes.

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