#4: The Filler

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Greeting everyone! Today I'll be making small scenarios for all of the zodiacs. The chosen countryhumans are randomized and not chosen by compatibility this time, sorry! This DOES contain cursing, by the way...

"Hon, are you sure you want to go for a run right now?" Norway asked. He watched as you wobbled out of the bathroom. Your hair was in a messy bun that looked as if it would fall out any moment. Bags were defined underneath your eyes. You let out a peppy hum that ended up somehow making your voice crack.
"I'm fine! Let's go," You slurred. Norway's face scrunched with worry. He walked up to you and picked you up bridal style. You gasped as he brought you back to your bedroom. You began to complain, saying that you were perfectly fine, and that you could run with him.
"I'm not going for a run anymore," he said. Norway softly placed you on the bed. He pulled the blanket over you and hummed.
"You're a lot more important right now."

You took another bite out of your cheeseburger. America had brought you to the park because... well, why not? You two sat lazily on a bench, talking about random things. America then mentioned you had food on your face. You nodded to him in acknowledgment... then you used his shirt as a napkin. His eyes widened as he desperately attempted to get the ketchup stain out of his shirt. You laughed sadistically at your mischievousness.

"BOO!" Romania yelled out. You screeched, losing your grip on the many books that you were balancing cautiously between your arms. The books were sent flying as you plummeted to the floor, a few hitting the top of your head. Romania let out an "oof," as he too fell to the floor. You rubbed the top of your head and sighed.
"Dummy! I dropped all my books...!" You exclaimed. You let out an exasperated sigh and started to pick your things up. Out of the corner of your eye you could tell Romania was trying to help. He mumbled a quick sorry as he began to stack them. You huffed and smiled at his sudden mood swing. Once the two of you picked up the book, you toppled the ones you were holding onto Romania's pile and put on a smug smile.
"Sorry isn't going to cut it. Follow me," You said as you began to walk off. Romania rolled his eyes at your sassiness and followed after you.

He was drunk AGAIN.
You grumbled as you pulled the drunk Russian by the arm out of the bar. He slurred insulting names in Russian to you, but you ignored it as best you could. The moon began to disappear being the building, ever so often a car flying by. You had to find your car.
"Why do you care so much? I don't care about you that much," Russia hissed. Despite his sour attitude he didn't try pulling away from your soft grip. You didn't know how to respond, so you didn't for a while. Russia let out a hiccup.
"...Or do I?" He muttered. You could feel the smirk begin to grow on his face. You tensed at what he said, cheeks beginning to flush red. Russia bursted into laughter at your reaction. It's not even that funny, you thought to yourself. You spotted your (f/c) car and began to power walk towards it. You didn't like parking near the bar. Mostly because of last time's incident. Germany didn't even apologize to you!
Once you made it to the car, you unlocked it and threw open the door back door. Russia climbed in with a bit of help from you. He was still giggling when you shut the door. You opened the front car door, and sat inside. Taking a few deep breathes, you shoved the key into its lock and started the engine. Russia let out a 'whoa' when he heard the engine come to life.
"Кукла, take me to the park! I want to crash a barbecue!" Russia demanded. You groaned and started up the car. Why did you care so much about this alcoholic nitwit, anyways? Perhaps it was a motherly instinct? You quickly put on child lock. Yeah, instinct.
Pulling out of the spot, you began to drive to Russia's home. You listened quietly to his drunken nonsense, giggling occasionally.
(Hey, Reader? Why DO you care so much?)

South Korea let out a heavy groan as the match had come to an end, his character flying off the screen. You laughed dramatically at his failure and poked his cheek playfully.
"Can't beat the best, now can you?" You said triumphantly. South Korea moved from your physical contact only to come back by biting your finger. You yelled in equal surprise and pain, then bonked him in the head with your other hand. He stopped biting you immediately and attempted to soothe his newly created headache.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)?? (Y/n)~?" You heard. Your eyes cracked open as you let out a groan of exhaustion. You then felt something scratchy slap your face. You tiredly swatted whatever it was and turned over.
"(Y/n), you fell asleep on the floor again." Poland said. Your eyes snapped open this time. You quickly sat up and regret your decision, eyes being dotted with black as your head became light. You attempted to recover quickly as you stood up. Poland dropped whatever he was holding and came to your aid. He held you up so you wouldn't fall again.
"Orthostatic hypotension?" He asked calmly. You tilted your head to this. He smiled and shook his head.
"Let's get you home, yeah?"

You watched as Netherlands hit his head on the desk once again. You let out an exasperated sigh at the consistency. Netherlands quickly picked his head up from the impact and his eyes widened. They were tinted pink. You couldn't tell if it were from the weed or form the lack of sleep, but he looked like garbage. To keep him awake, you balled up a piece of loose leaf paper and pitched it at the back of his head. He turned around once it had hit him and looked you dead in your eyes. He balled up his worksheet paper and pitched it back. It hit your forehead. Netherlands smiled smugly and turned back around. He gasped when he couldn't find his paper.

‼️Vulgar language warning‼️
"Чорт! ТРАХКАТИ—" Ukraine screeched as blood splattered onto the TV. A bloodcurdling screamed emitted from it, the face a the main antagonist grinning maniacally. You stuffed more popcorn into your mouth at the sight. Ukraine scooted closer to you and wrapped himself underneath the blanket that shielded you from the cold tensity of Ukraine's home.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP, UKRAINE!" You heard one of the siblings screech. You giggled. Ukraine grumbled something underneath his breath in Ukrainian as he stuffed more popcorn into his mouth. You felt his head topple onto yours.
"Can we watch something else?..." he huffed. You smiled at him.

You were sleeping peacefully in your bed, blankets wrapped around you in just the right manner. You looked peaceful, a cute smile laying on your face.
That's when you felt it.
Something cold and smooth smacked into your face. Your eyes began to flutter open. A hand reached over to wipe away the feeling onto to be met with the same one on it. Your eyes now fully open in confusion, noticed that maple syrup was being slathered onto you. Immediately you looked up to see a snickering Canada. Your brows furrowed and your teeth clenched.
"Canada, you have five seconds before I come and pour maple syrup into your eyes and tape them shut with flex tape." You hissed angrily. Canada dropped the bottle of maple syrup unintentionally and began to run and slammed your door shut.
"WHO ARE YOU TO BE SLAMMING DOORS WHEN I PAY THE BILLS?!" You yelled groggily. You in fact, did not pay the bills in the house.

"What do you think of this, 'tica?" You asked softly. You shoved your phone's screen in the blue boy's face. His eyes widened before they softened up. He smiled at you intently and nodded. You smiled back and pulled the phone away from his vision. You had shown him a picture of the new goggles you would order him. His old ones began to somehow get on his nerves, so you just had to get new ones for him. You quickly bought the item and let out a soft sigh. Antarctica tapped your and your turned your head to him.
Thank you, he signed.

"And then— I THREW COFFEE IN HIS FACE!" Ireland boomed. He laughed heartily afterwards. You chuckled as he took a large swig of his beer. Ireland let out a sigh of relief as he made eye contact with you.
"Did I ever tell you how much of a beaut you are?" He said softly. Your face flushed red at the comment. You broke the eye contact you had.
"I-um.. I don't...what?" You babbled. Ireland then went into a fit of laughter. He fell out of his stool and onto the floor, clutching his stomach.
"You should see your face! It was so—" He cut himself off with laughter. Your couldn't help but laugh, too.

You and France were having your daily peace-time. The two of you sat calmly in France's garden that she cared for oh-so dearly, listening to the birds chirping and the rustle of leaves in the wind. When France first met you she immediately noticed how anxious you were. This led to her offering you time in her garden every so often. At first you were reluctant; but eventually caved in and went. Slowly it became a tradition that you two did this together.

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