Chapter 60

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Angela was well rested before she started working again much to Ibrahim's displeasure. They started from the beginning and now dating each other.

It was a normal working day until both Malhotra brothers received two packages individually.

Murat was in his office. After he became a shareholder in Hayat's company he came to his own office very less. So he was in his office and had four back to back meetings. Though Manik managed most of his meetings but he needs to manage some too.

He was staring at the box that was delivered to him just now. No name or anything about the sender. There won't be a bomb he knows that. His security checked for that.

He knew there would be something that would be totally beyond his expectations. He got enough threats to know that. But he didn't close any big deal ir anything to get a threat this time.

He sighed and proceeded to open the box. He cut the tape with a swiss knife. And opened the box. Another box was in that box. He brought the second box out of the first box. He carefully opened the box from distance and saw nothing came out of it. So he drew closer and looked inside of the box.

He brought out a doll dressed in a bridal dress exactly looking like Hayat and it had red sticky liquid was all over it's body. He understood it very well that the threat was not on him but his Hayat.

He put the doll back in the box and took it with him, walking towards Manik's cabin. He was angry as hell. He wanted to break something but controlled because it wasn't time to get angry but action.

He barged into Manik's Cabin and froze.

Manik was standing there with a doll in his hand who wore a jumpsuit and look similar to Nandini and had the same sticky red liquid all over.

Manik slowly turned towards Murat and saw him with his red eyes. Murat walked close to him and put the box on the table and brought out the doll. Manik looked at it and turned his eyes to see Murat.

Two stone cold faces were in front of each other.

"What to do now?" Manik asked eyes were red in anger.

"Exactly what we should have done lone before." Murat said and Manik nodded.

They can't take any risk specially when it involve the girls.


Nandini was working in the cafeteria when 5 people in black dress entered. Nandini thought they might work here. But she was shocked when all of them stood in front of her desert corner.

All 5 of them were looking at the employees who came to buy deserts as if they just announced to attack her. That 4man and one woman group was scaring everyone.

Her customers were afraid and it made Nandini angry. "Excuse me. Are you here to buy deserts?"

The four man behaved like she didn't even talk. The woman turned to her and said "No, mam. We are here to protect you."

"Protect me? I don't need any protection. You sure have some misunderstanding."

"You are Nandini Mathur, right?"

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