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As the story is coming to an end... NOT NOW but only a few chapters remains so I think I should clarify some things.

The love you showered in this story is very precious to me. I never thought I would get that much response for this one. I would be very honest, when I got the idea of merging two of my fav shows, I immediately made a cover and posted a prologue.

I couldn't wait because I was so excited and I didn't see any stories that time merging these two. I am very thankful to all of you for showering your love on this for nearly two years and before it hits two this story will be done.

I know the first half was very nice before the separation and the story became slow after the separation track. That's how I planned it from the beginning and I didn't wanted to rush in that.

In other stories (I have read many!! Just check my reading lists) the couple would be together in no time after the separation but that doesn't happen in reality and I find that stupid. I just wanted to show some reality through those chapters and I knew I might not succeed in that but I tried.

There is many loose ends of few things and few things were ignored. That happened because I was only focusing on the couples. I figured out few loose ends and if you find any you can comment and let me know. I will try to give better explanation of those in upcoming chapters.

After this story I decided to change the names of the characters. For me the characters will be Parth and Niti as Manan  always but I need to change the names because recently I faced something.

Just because my stories are fanfiction that doesn't mean they are not my own creations. I have spent a lot of time on these stories and it feels really bad when I get to hear that it isn't original and I copied the show.

We writers only take the name and create the story from scratch. There are many fanfiction on Manan and most of them are completely different from kyy and the only common things are the names and maybe the characteristics. So, WE DON'T COPY.

I don't call "Billionaires Assistants", a fanfiction. And I will go mad if anyone say so. There is nothing common, I just took them, mold them and placed them in completely different setting even the full names are not same. I know you got it!

Another reason is the plot and genre of the story. I have got so many amazing ideas (Made amazing book covers) for my future stories and most of them doesn't go with Manan's name. Because their names give away their nationality, religion and a lots of other things which is a big NO for those stories.

I don't want to hurt anyone's sentiment because of the things going to happen in those. (Controversy: No please)

I see many of the writers writing about Manan just changing the name. I see you people liking those so, I also need your support in this. I know it's not easy, trust me I feel super weird when I had to write other character name instead of Manan and sometimes I do type their name unconsciously.

Coming back to this story, Though it's ending but you are up for bonus chapters. I already planned three but I will go for more. Those won't be like others (As you all know nothing here is like others, I always try that) I won't just let you know how happy they are in their life. Nope, you will find some twist and mystery too.

After this book I am going to start a supernatural book. Nothing HoRRoR, I guarantee you that. Horror and I don't go too well. It's going to be my first supernatural book so it's going to messy, brain twisting and surprise every now and then. I really hope you will like it.

I know I don't interact much and you know nothing about me, got so many complaints. I am giving you a chance here, ask whatever you want. Regarding my story and about ME. Ask away, Here or in my DM. I will answer you.

Thank you for reading my rambling. See you soon

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