Chapter 40

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"Manik, we are going out of the city.." Nandini said as she saw the decreasing of houses and shops.

"Yeah he lives away from the city."

"He must be a peace loving man." Nandini said and Manik made a bad face.

"Only if you knew..." He mumbled and took a sharp turn. Jafar Uzun is anything but a peace loving man and Manik knew that very well.

"Why are we going there? I know we are invited but why?"

"It's a kind of meeting but not official."

"Would Murat sir be there?"

"Yeah with ur sister."

"Oh." Nandini didn't ask anything after that and Manik was thankful. But Nandini was thinking how to ditch Manik and buy pregnancy kit.

Hayat was silent throughout the car drive and it was unusual for her. Murat noticed it and asked, "What's wrong? The chatter box is silent."

Hayat narrowed her eyes "I am not a chatter box. I just have a lot to say."

"I think it's same..."

"No it's not.. Chatter box means the people who are talking all the time about anything and everything and even some nonsense. But me, I only say the things I have to say. I don't speak nonsense."

"And I thought half of ur words are nonsense."

"That was mean!!"

"Alright so tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing. It's just I am having a bad feeling and whenever I feel this, it means danger." Hayat said and Murat tried to stay composed. Hearing that wasn't helping him to face upcoming situations.

Hayat, Nandini, Myra, Murat, Manik and Arsal all were sitting in the very elegant drawing room. Nandini was thinking what meeting include Myra and Arsal. Myra was thinking Why this sudden family get together, what if her secret is out. She didn't even say it to Arsal. Hayat was sweating, she knew the aura this house reeked of. She is not ready to face him yet.

Murat noticed that Hayat looked like she may pass out. He felt bad because he brought her here without a bit warning. He side hugged her and she kept her head on his shoulder.

Nandini frowned, looking at them. She was thinking if her sister is sick and why they are behaving like couple. But she let it slide thinking about her own problem. She needed to test as soon as possible but if she is really pregnant then what? She can feel a headache is on the way.

Manik was noticing her changing expressions. She was acting weird from the breakfast. Soon they all heard the sound of walking stick against the marveled floor. They all turned and saw the old man descending from the stairs.

One can feel the dark sura surrounding him. They all stood up and Nandini turned to Manik.

"Isn't he the same man u were fighting with at the cafe?"

"He is.

"I didn't know u do business with Arsal's grandfather."

"How did you know whose grandfather he is?"

"I googled Arsal and saw his pic there." Nandini whispered guiltily.

Hayat was freezed in her place. He was still the same but old. The same eyes that sometimes used to turn cold and sometime soft. The person who used to adore her a lot but what she did? Ran away with her mother. She then remembered why her mother ran away. She gulped and tried to stay strong. Murat hold her hand tightly.

Myra didn't know what to feel. She many times meet this man but today she is meeting him as Arsal's girlfriend, leave the baby aside for a while.

"U all are here.. It's good to see lots of young people in this house. Hope u didn't face any problem to find the house."

"No we know the way GP."

"Oh Murat, trying to be polite are you?"

"I am always polite GP u are the one who poke the hell out of me." Murat rolled his eyes.

Nandini poked Manik and he turned to her. "What is GP?" Nandini whispered.

"Grandpa. He is our grandpa's friend so in short we call him GP."

"Ah the lovely ladies graced this house with their presence. Hope you all are fine." Jafar asked and they nodded.

"It's not good to lie." Jafar chuckled.

"Old man, we know u are feeling great to have us but we are busy so let's come to the point." Manik said.

"Manik, always the impatient one. Don't worry we will talk after the lunch.. So let's go to the dining."

All the dishes were Hayat and Nandini's favorite. Hayat was fighting the urge to cry and hold Murat's hand more tightly. The lunch was a silent one. Myra and Nandini was careful with their food to avoid another throw up episode.

After the lunch they all were back to the drawing room. This time Jafar sat on the central sofa and the youngsters were on his both sides.

"You both wanted to talk about the new dock that we bought." Jafar said and Murat started to talk.

"Yes.. U know we were trying to get the dock because we bought two docks behind it."

"Hmm.. Arsal take Myra away from here. I don't want her to hear the rest of the things."

Arsal nodded, took Myra with him and walked away. "I know u did that's why I bought it." Jafar said.

"Exactly old man, why? U were never interested in the docks now u bought it and denied our ships to cross ur dock. Do u even know what losses we faced in this two days." Manik was getting angry.

"That's call business. Ur docks are now useless. You are exactly where I want you to be."

"What do u want?" This time Murat tried to make a deal.

"Let's see what you can offer."

"Alright, any ship, any project, any land, u name it and that will be urs. Just give us that dock in return."

"ok.. But I don't want any of those.."

"Then what do u want?" Manik asked angrily.

"I want you both to let go of my granddaughters." Jafar smirked and Malhotra brothers stilled.

"Granddaughters? U have his granddaughters?" Nandini asked totally confused.

"That's not possible." Murat said gritting his teeth.

"Think again. Without that dock, half of ur empire will be ruined. The things you both so hard for over the years. I just want my granddaughters specially the younger one." Malhotra boys knew they are doomed and nothing can be done now. They have to make a choice.

Hayat choose to talk for the first time.. "They don't own ur granddaughters that they can handover them to u. And I am sure as hell won't let you to get hold of the younger one. I won't let my mother's secrifice to go waste. I am her guardian and I won't approve of this."

"Di, what are you talking about?" Nandini asked in horror.

"Aww Hayat, Ur love is commendable for ur step sister."



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Chapter 41 is uploaded in Inkitt.. U will find my account link on my profile or u can search with the story name.

Love u all

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