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Murat's POV:

"Nandini, u are going to attend the meeting on behalf of me. Danny, one of my bodyguard will accompany you."

"But sir! I can't handle your meeting and bodyguard?" She panicked.. Nothing like her intolerable sister.

"I know it's ur first but I know u will handle it. Danny will be there with u just for ur safety and if anyone of them refuse to listen to you, you will give the names and I will take care of them." I said and it's final..

"Ok sir. I will try my best."

"I know u will and u just have to collect information from them. I have a meeting so I am leaving and ur meeting is at 11AM." She nodded and I left my office.

Today is the final meeting of our project with James fashion. Other delegates will be there too. Their decision will be the final one.

I went to the meeting room and saw everyone was waiting for me. They all stood up and I told them to sit.

The sitting arrangement was in a side and the other part of the room was empty so that models can come and show us the clothes..

Miss Mathur was standing because she had to gave us the details of the clothes. But what bothered me was her smile. She was smiling too much and even gave me one. Maybe Mrs.James told her to behave today.

One by one models came and she gave the overall on every dress.. But my temper was increasing. Mrs James looked pale and looked at me with horror. I control myself fisting my palm. I never felt so humiliated.

She finished describing every dress and all the delegates clapped for her. The hell! She charmed them with her beautiful smile for sure. Beautiful smile?! Absolutely not.

"Miss Mathur I believe those were not the color I selected." I said coldly but her smile didn't dissolved.

"Sir, u choose all the dark color for summer collection. I told u before but u didn't agree but ur brother told me to use the light ones and I did." She said with her annoying smile..

"Mr. Malhotra we liked the dresses and I think there is nothing wrong with the colors." One of the delegates said and others nodded.

"If u people like the dress then I have no problem." I said gritting my teeth. I know she just used Manik's name just to do as she please. It was the last straw Miss Mathur..

Everyone left the meeting room including Mrs James. Only Miss Mathur was there.

"I don't think my brother told u change the colors completely." I said.

"Umm.. Not really but the delegates liked it and u helpless fellow couldn't do anything. Listen I know my work and I know what best. I also don't like to argue about my work just like you." She said and her sweet smile is completely gone.

"Oh so u liked my helpless situation." I said raising my brows.

"Very much. I can't even describe how happy I am right now." She said with a victorious grin.

"Celebrate ur victory because it's not gonna last long. U just wait and watch,Hayat." I said darkly and she frowned.

"What do u mean?"

"U will see what I mean Miss Mathur." I shrugged.

"Are u going to fire my sister because of me?" She said in an angry tone.

"I can but I won't ur sister is nothing like u. I don't understand how the hell u both are sisters."

"I can say the same. Manik is nothing like u but see u both are brothers. God knows how." She said folding her hands on her chest and I chuckled humorlessly.

"Trust me. He is no different from me."

Manik's POV:

It's lunch time and I heard what Nandini did in the meeting. She threatened everyone in that meeting because those assholes were making fun of her instead of cooperating.

Danny beat four of them bcz they were trying to be touchy.. Then she threatened that my brother told her to give the names who didn't cooperate. And knowing my brother everyone knew what that mean. Losing the job.

I decided to call her and talk with her. I dialled her number and waited her to receive it and get the shock her life.

"Hello." Her sweet voice said from other said.

"Hello beautiful."

"Whaa.. Where the hell u got my number?" She said and I can already imagine her wide eyes.

"Got from somewhere. A little sweet birdie gave me ur number."

"So u already had my number but act like u didn't."

"At the bar? Yes."

"What do u want?"

"Oh I want to congratulate you. U are now the hot news of the Malhotra office. Everyone is talking about you." I said sarcastically.

"No! It's bcz of that stupid meeting ,right?" She whined.

"Yes. I couldn't say u good bye at that bar."

"Of course. Bcz u were busy eating the face of that blonde.. Now bye.. I have works to do and please don't ever call without any grave matter." She snapped and hangup on me.. The...! What the hell happened.

I just couldn't understand what happened. She snapped at me and hang up on me! She successfully triggered my temper.

At the evening when everyone was going back to their home then I saw her. I hold her hand and dragged her at the side of the building. It's a bit dark here.

"What was that about?" I said coldly..

"Nothing. But u can't drag me like this understand." She said and tried to walk away. I pinned her on the wall keeping my hand beside her from each side.

"Let's not go there what I can &can't do. But u do not Snape at me and u definitely don't hangup on me."

"I will do whatever I want now leave." She screeched.

"What is wrong with you? I am showing so much interest in you when girls go crazy about me." I said annoyingly.

"I am not those girls.I hardly like any guy bcz most of them are jerks just like you. no matter how handsome they are." She said aggressively.

"So u find me handsome?" I said with a smirk.

"I added jerk first and it's just an innocent observation." She shrugged.

"So u observe me?" I said teasing her.

"Stop it. What are u doing here? Go and eat other faces. God how much I hate guys like you." She said..

"Listen she was...."

"I don't want to know who she was or is."

"But I want u to know."

"Why? I am no one. You don't have explain anything to me. Why are u chasing me? U said there is girls crazy for u then go to them. Please leave me alone." She said and bent down ,went out of my self made cage.

Why I let her leave? Because her question hit something inside me. Why I was doing this? I have girls out there. She didn't care so why am I so persistent without any reason.

Maybe bcz she is the only one who didn't have any effect of me. Yeah this is the reason. Then I have to stop behaving like that. She is just a ordinary girl.


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