part 15: time heist.

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Tony's pov.

I can't risk their lives for some pipe dream. I just can't I don't want to lose them too. They left a few hours ago. I wish there was a way other than risking their lives but there just isn't. I know y/n misses peter and so do I but I can't put them on the line I just cant. "Tony?" Y/n calls from the kitchen. "What is it honey?" " you think we should do this. I mean should we try and find a way?" "I cant lose you y/n I really really cant" "I know I cant lose you either but what of there was a way don't you think we owe it to everyone who disappeared to at least try?" I look down. She's right we do owe it to them they died for nothing I'm going to bring them back. Whatever it takes.

Your pov.

He looks at me. "We do. I'm going to find a way y/n I promise whatever it takes" "whatever it takes"

The next day.

We've been trying to think of what could be used. We have a hologram up and friday in the living room we're tired and we've tried about 115 different ways so far. I'm nearly falling asleep on the couch. "Y/n go to bed" "what no im fine" "you're nearly falling asleep" "I'm fine hey..." I get an idea. "How about an inverted mobius strip?" "I dont know it could work Friday get that up" "processing. Model 67% successful" I stare in shock. "67%!" "Well what can we change about it?" Tony asks. Friday doesn't answer. "Friday?" I ask. She still wont answer. "Oh come on bow seriously of all times fri?" "Tony wait look..." I point to the hologram. "Friday give the value of that Iv particle" tony says "you need to factor in spectral decomp" I say. "Just a moment" "That'll take a second" he says. "We shouldn't worry if it doesn't pan out were just..." "model rendered" the hologram reads. 99.987% success rate. "Model successful" I stumble back. "There's no way we just did that tony" he just stands with a hand over his mouth. "Shit" he says. "Shit" I hear a little voice repeat. I turn around and see Morgan in the stairs. "What are you doing up little miss?" I ask. "Shit" "no no no that's mommy's word she coined it. It belongs to her" tony says I put my hand on my hip and look at him disapprovingly. "Why are you up?" I ask. "Why are you up?" "Because we have some things on our minds" I say before tony could come up with another colourful word to teach our daughter.
"Was it juice pops?" She asks innocently. I laugh. "Sure was"  "you know that's extortion. Juice pops exactly what was on our minds" he picks her up and grabs her a popsicle and carrys her to bed. I sit downstairs for a bit until tony comes back down. "I know it's not a competition but she loves three thousand" "oh really?" "Yeah you were somewhere in the low 6-9 hundred range" I smile at him. "What are we going to do?" He asks. "What do you mean?" "About time travel" "I...I don't know. I just want p...Peter back"

Tony's pov.

I carry Morgan up to her room an put her in bed. "Tell me a story" "a story? Once there was a girl who went to sleep the end" "that was a horrible story" "what?! That's your favourite story" "mommy tells me good stories" "oh yeah? Like what?" "She told me about a boy called Peter parker. She told me all about him and how he's spiderman but it's a secret and you were in the story daddy because you taught him how to be a better superhero and she told me about how nice he is and how he loves movies and about his friends too. She told me something happened to him and that she really misses him alot an that she thinks I'd like him" I look down and smile. "Well I think she's right" I kiss her head. "Goodnight I love you tons" "I love you three thousand" I smile. "Three thousand? Wow that's crazy" I shut her door. "Now go to bed or I'll sell all of your toys".
She told her about peter. God he would have loved Morgan. I need him back. We have to do this we have to get them back.

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