part 18: star spangled man

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Your pov.

"Well now we've got the how. We just need the where and when" Steve says. "Almost all of us has had an encounter with at least one of the six Infinity Stones" I say. "Well I'd substitute the word encounter for damn well near been killed by one of the six Infinity Stones" Tony says. "I haven't, I don't even know what the hell you're all talking about" scott says. "I wish I could say that" I reply. "Regardless, we only have enough Pym Particles for one round trip each, and these stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history" bruce says "Our history" tony says. "So there's not a lot of convenient spots for up to just drop into" I say."Which means we have to pick our targets" clint says. "Correct" tony says. "Let's start with the Aether. Thor, what do you know?" Steve asks. We all turn our heads towards thor sat sleepiness on a chair with a can of soda in hand. "Is he asleep?" Nat asks. "No, I'm pretty sure he's dead" rhodey says. I sigh and stand up on the table and jump down onto the floor making him jolt awake. "Where to start? Umm... The Aether, first, is not a stone, someone called it a stone before. It's more of a... an angry sludge thing, so... someones gonna need to amend that. Here's an interesting story though, many years ago... My grandfather had to hide the stones from the Dark Elves..." he wiggles his fingers trying to imitate a spooooky ghost. He laughs to himself. "Wooooh, scary beings. So Jane" an image of jane pops up on screen. "Oh, there she is. That's Jane... She's... an old flame of mine... She... she stuck her hand inside a rock this one time... and then the Aether stuck itself inside her... And, she became very, very sick. So I had to take her to Asgard, which is where I'm from. And we had to try and fix her. We were dating at the time, you see. I got to introduce her to my Mother... who's dead..." thor starts to look like he's on the verge of tears. "and oh you know, Jane and I aren't even dating anymore, these things happen though you know, nothing last forever, [Tony starts to push him back to his chair] I'm not done yet, the only thing permanent in life is impermanence" "Awesome. Eggs? Breakfast?" Tony says trying to break the silence. "I'd like a Bloody Mary, thank you" we leave the subject for a while since thor got upset over this later we get food and sit back down to discuss the plan again. "Quill said he stole the Power Stone from Morag" rocket says pacing up and down the table. "Is that a person?" Scott asks. "Morag's a planet. Quill was a person" he answers. "A planet? Like in outer space?" He sounds excited. "Oh, look. It's like a little puppy, all happy and everything" rocket imitates himself talking to a dog. "Do you wanna go to space? You wanna go to space, puppy? I'll take you to space" with two stones down we agree to talk about it tomorrow. I walk to mine and Tony's old bedroom. Tongs in the bathroom and he comes back in. We get into bed he grabs my waist and pulls me close to his chest. "Tony?" "Mhmm?" I hesitate. "Nevermind" "oh come on tell me" "no it's fine" "y/n" "Tony" "please" "I'm scared okay!...I...I'm scared of doing this I'm scared we're going somewhere lose. Scared I'll never see you again" "y/n I swear to you. You will never have to worry about losing me. Alright?" "Alright" we wake up the next day and i head back out to the planning room. "Thanos found the Soul Stone on Vormir" nebula says as nat writes notes. "What is vormir?" I ask. "A dominion of death, at the very center of Celestial existence. It's where... Thanos murdered my sister" nat looks up and a silence fills the room until Scott says. "Not it". Later me tony Bruce and nat are lay fien on the table covered with paper. "That Time Stone guy..." nat says. "Doctor Strange" bruce replies. "Yeah, what kind of doctor was he?" "Ear-nose-throat meets rabbit from a hat" tony answers. "Nice place in the village, though" I say. "Yeah. Sullivan Street" "no bleecker" "he lived in New York?" Nat asks. "No. He lived in toronto" Tony says. "Guys, if we pick the right year, there are three stones in New York" I say. "Shut the front door!" Bruce exclaims. "Well cap it's staying wide open" "will no one ever forget that!" I hear cap from the other room we all laugh. "Sorry capsicle but language will live on forever!" I yell back and everyone laughs. He walks in. "Do you know what else we'll never forget?" "What?" He asks suspiciously. "Who's strong and brave here to save the American way" I sing. "Stop" "Who's vows to fight like a man for what's right, night and day?" "Tony" "Who will campaign door to door for America?" "Bruce come on" "Carry the flag shore to shore for America?" "Nat?!" "From Hoboken to Spokane?" "Bucky seriously?!" "The star spangled man with a plan!"  "Guys!" "We can't ignore there's a threat and a war we must win!" "Y/n please" he begs. "To end it you must join it" "Who'll hang a noose on the goose-stepping goose from Berlin?" Bucky continues. "Who will indeed lead the call for America?" Tony sings. "Who'll rise or fall, give his all, for America?" "Who's here to prove that we can?" Steve sings. "The star spangled man with a plan!"

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