part 24: the greater good?

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Your pov: present day.

Yes...yes I have. I don't deserve this do I? I came to New York to get away from a bad life. I'm not saying my life is bad because Tony's here because he made my life a million times better but being a hero is so hard. We have to save everyone at the expense of either our friends,family or ourselves our sanity is put to the test every day we're out here. Everyone is in danger if we aren't. Place holders. That's what we are place holders for the people that can't fight. Oh god peter is a place holder. He's seventeen he shouldn't have the mentality that we needed as the avengers. He thinks he needs to risk his life for everyone...anyone else. What teenager deserves to have their life destroyed for the greater good. Greater good what even is that anymore? The people? The government? Each other? I...I see water breaking over the cliff. "Shit...strange!" I call. "Okay I'll handle this you need to go and help them"  I nod and fly up to wanda. "Wanda?" "Y/n?" She turns around. "Oh thank god" I hug her. "You're alright. You're alright I missed you so much" i say excitedly. "I missed you too" she says smiling tears in her eyes. I wipe them away. "Oh honey don't cry" I smile. I push Wanda out of the way of a missile. "Thanks" "its fine come on then let's kill this son of a bitch" I try and look around for the gauntlet and see clint running with it. "Umm...cap what do you actually want me to do with this damn thing." Get those stones as far away as possible!" steve shouts. "No! We need to get them back to where they came from!" Bruce shouts. "Theres no way to get them back. Thanos destroyed the time machine" tony says. "Hold on" scott comes back to normal size. "That wasn't our only time machine" he says and presses a button. A horn sounds in the distance. My eyes widen and I climb up the side of some rubble to try and spot the van. "Does anyone see an ugly brown van out there?" I ask. "Yes! But you're not going to like where it's parked" "scott how long do you need to get that thing working?" Tony asks. "Maybe ten minutes" "get it started We'll get the stones to you" steve says. "We're on it cap" hope says. They share a look and shrink. Tony and me see strange trap some chitauri with his magic and we fly over. "Hey. You said one out of 14 million, we win, yeah? Tell me this is it" "Hey. You said one out of 14 million, we win, yeah? Tell me this is it" "You better be right" we walk over to some chitauri and carry on fighting. I see clint running with it and chitauri after him. "Clint. Give it to me" t'challa says. He starts running with it towards the van. Eventually he's stopped by the double edged sword thrown by thanos. He charges at t'challa but Wanda stops him I stand with her our hands glowing. "You took everything from me" "I don't even know who you are" "oh don't worry you will. Take it away Wanda" I say. She smirks and she starts to crush him. T'challa had dropped the gauntlet. Peter grabs it. "Its okay I've got it! Activate instant kill" "rain fire!" Thanos shouts. "But sire our troops" "just do it!" He shouts in pain. The gun turrets on the ship start firing. "Uh, is anyone else seeing this?" I ask. "I got this. I got this! Okay, I don't got this. Help! Somebody, help!" Peter shouts. "Pete where are you!?" I shout. "It's alright. Hey queens heads up!" Cap throws mjolnir and peter shoots a web and grabs onto it. I fly up to him. "Hang on. I got you, pete" I drop him onto valkyrie's pegasus. "Hey! Nice to meet you--- Oh, my God!" The cannons knock him off and I go over to catch him. The cannons start firing at the sky. "Umm....boss" "yeah fri? What is it?" "We've got something entering the atmosphere" "what is it?" "Processing" "hey ladies? Did you miss me?" "Wait.danver?" I ask. "The one and only" she flies through the ship and it starts to explode. "Oh yeah!" Rocket shouts. "Danvers, we need an assist here" steve says. Me and carol find peter in a crater on the ground hugging the gauntlet. "Hi. I'm Peter Parker" "hey peter parker.You got something for me?" She asks. He gets up and hands her the gauntlet. "I don't know how you're gonna get it through all that" he says. Wanda arrives and valkyrie arrive son her pegasus. So does mantis and shuri. "Don't worry pete" I say. "She got help" okoye walks in. Gamora,nebula and hope start coming over. We start helping carol through the outriders and chitauri. Me and wanda destroy two leviathans. Carol goes towards the van flying past enemies and going through enemy blockades that are in her way with ease. Thanos, seeing this, starts running to Carol Danvers, but me,Shuri and hope blast him backwards. Thanos, after seeing Carol Danvers fly past him, throws his double sword at the van, destroying it and the quantum realm tunnel, throwing Carol Danvers backwards and losing her grip on the Gauntlet, which falls to the ground. Strange steadies the water after the explosion. In the final brawl for the Stark Gauntlet, Tony moves one of Thanos' enemies aside and sees the Gauntlet. He runs to get it, but sees Thanos, who Tony tackles. Thanos smacks Tony away, knocking him out. Then Thor arrives with Stormbreaker and mjolnir in an attempt to pin Thanos' arm down, with assistance from steve. However, Thanos overpowers them and knocks them both out. After picking up the Gauntlet, Carol arrives, punching away at Thanos while he is holding the Gauntlet. She keeps punching him, but Thanos grabs her by the arm and flings her away. Thanos puts on the gauntlet, gamma radiation from the stones eating at him as he tries to snap, but Carol arises again, and stops his fingers from snapping, opening up his hand. Thanos headbutts her, but it does nothing. Just as Carol is gaining the upper hand by rising up and forcing Thanos onto his knees, Thanos pulls the Power Stone out of the Gauntlet and uses it in his free hand to hit Carol away. Tony looks in question at Strange, who simply raises one finger, reminding him that the one win over Thanos he foresaw is now at risk. Or is it? Tony nods. Thanos puts the Power Stone back into the Gauntlet, yelling from the gamma radiation coursing through him, until Tony makes one last attack on Thanos.

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