part 22: what you wanted more?

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Your pov

Still flashback (refer to last chapter)

"What the hell was that?!" I shout. "Ultron" Bruce answers. "Yeah I kinda got that but what is Ultron?" I ask. "Ultron was meant to be a peace keeping ai we used the sceptre and tried to create it but it went rogue and took over Jarvis" Tony says. "Great so we have a murder bot and no Jarvis perfect just perfect" "y/n don't overreact" "tony no. Jarvis is gone,strucker is dead. He obviously knew something we don't,something to do with strucker so he killed him and he..." I pull out my phone and all information on strucker is gone. "Got rid of all information on strucker" "honey it's okay" "Tony what do you mean? No it isn't we have no info on strucker, no way to take this ai down, no jarvis, all our work is deleted, no clues, no locations, no names and no ideas so I'm sorry if i don't think that this is one of the greatest scenarios of all time" I storm out. Jarvis is down, we have no work. How was I supposed to react to this? Was I supposed to jump with joy at the fact all of our hard work was gone in minutes? This isn't okay I know I shouldn't have just stormed out but is any of this okay? Ultron what else is Ultron. It isn't just an ai it's an ai that can evolve itself. It's perfecting itself it can become what ever it wants whenever it wants. How are we going to compete with that.

Present day

"Y/n! Y/n!" Steve shouts. I must have zoned out. Tony is lying on the floor and thor is fighting thanos. "Come on we have to carry on fighting" I look at dazed. "Come on y/n snap out of it" I look at him my vision slowly coming back. I exhale deeply. "Okay" I get up. I grab mjolnir and hit thanos in the face making him fly back. I run to Tony. "Friday conditions?" "Loss of consciousness, low pulse rate"
"Come on Tony. Wake up" i shake him. He gasps and wakes up. "Good job sweetie come on let's go" he gets up and we walk hand in hand to them. I load up my nanotech cannon and fire it at thanos. He turns his attention towards me. "Aaahh starks. I've never been personal with my cleansing but you starks are a disease. I will be happy to get rid of..." tony fires at him and pushes him to the ground. He gets up and hits us all to the ground. Half of cap's shield is broken his arm is slashed thor is down. Me and tony have bruises and cuts all over. "Come one we need to get up" I say through comms. Thanos summons his army. "Oh you've got to be kidding me" tony says. "Come on we have to fight" cap says. "Looks like you need some back up" a voice says into comms. "What. Oh my god sam!?" "On your left" a portal opens and t'challa,okoye and shuri walk out the wakandians following behind sam flys out of the portal. More portals open and people start coming out of them. Wanda,bucky,groot,strange,
drax,mantis all come out of the portals. Wong and strange Come to the front with me cap and tony. "Is that everyone?" Strange asks. "What you wanted more?" Wongs replies. Rhodey,scott and rocket emerge from the collapsed complex. I look at everyone and then towards thanos and his army. "You finally gonna say it cap?" I ask.He laughs "Avengers! Assemble!" We all run towards the oncoming army. They're back. Everyone is home. That means..."mr stark,mrs stark?!" I turn around. My eyes widen. "Hi do you remember when we were all on that planet and I got all dusty Well I must have fallen asleep because I don't remember what happened but I woke up and doctor strange was there right? And he says it's been five years come on we have to help everyone and..." I rush up and hug him when tears in my eyes. "I missed you too much Peter. Five years too long" tony joins. "This is nice" I smile. "Yeah. Yeah it is. I haven't told you this before but I love you peter" I say. He looks shocked. " do?" "Of course I do how could I not. I really really missed you" "I love you too kid" tony says. "Thank you sir,ma'am...I...I love you too" I smile. "Its y/n and tony from now on kid" we fly away leaving him smiling. "You know what I cannot believe?" I say while shooting an alien. "What?" "That I said I wouldn't be apart of you getting yourself killed that when down the shitter huh?" He laughs. "Tony?" "Yeah?" "I love you. I love you so much you know that right?" "Of course I do. I really love you too" "oh and don't die" I say smiling. He laughs. "I don't plan to" I fly away. I know it isn't something i should take seriously but i don't want to fight this whole time thinking to my self "the love of your life might die today" how much do i want to do that? Haven't i had enough of that already.


"Tony you don't need to do this we have time we're going to find another solution!" I shout into my phone. "Y/n there's three minutes until this bomb blows and kills everything on here included you and I'm not about to take that risk. I'm not letting you die and I'm not looking to let team die either" "Tony you can't do this to me please I need you. You're all I have left please!" I cry. "Y/n you've got the team. I know you always will" I sigh in discontent "I love you Tony" "I..." static..."Tony?! Tony?! Tony!" The portal starts closing. I run to Steve and thor. "Steve! Why did you shut it he had a chance I..." i look up...Tony?

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