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The sound of fans and the AC blasting was heard around the apartment, along with the occasional stressed sigh from one of the seven individuals sprawled around the dark living room. The summer heat seemed to be extra brutal this year, temperatures breaking record heat in the city of Seoul.

All the lights were off and the curtains drawn, in hopes that it would help the house cool off in the blazing afternoon. No one dared to move, not wanting to warm up and too hot to even do anything.

"I think I'm dying." Yoongi cuts off the silence.

"Well... technically you are, very slowly." Jin teases.

"Be quiet or you'll die with me." Yoongi threatens causing Jin to chuckle.

"The both of you need to be quiet. Stop adding more heat to the air." Jimin kicks his legs in their direction.

"That's not how it works Jiminie." Yoongi deadpanned. Jimin just pouts and closes his eyes. Silence filling the room again.

The sound of footsteps made seven heads turn into the direction of the hallway.

With slow, heavy steps you make your into the kitchen for your umpteenth cup of water that day. You're oblivious to the seven pairs of eyes that gaze on you, too focused on hydrating yourself for the sake of survival. Filling your cup to the brim, you chug the freezing water as if your life depended on it, not stopping to take a breath. With how fast you were drinking, some water slipped from the corner of your mouth, down your chin and between your cleavage.

Once the water was finished in recorded time, you take in your surrounds, locking your gaze on a pair of dark eyes staring right at you.

"Damn babe, you're that thirsty, huh?" Jungkook smirks at you, running his hand through the strands of hair that have escaped his ponytail.

If it's even possible, you heat up more at his remark. "Shut up, Jeon." you look away from his stare and sneer at the angelic laugh that has arisen from him.

"Yah, leave her alone before she kicks your ass." Yoongi says while rolling over onto his stomach. When you look at him you can't help but smile due to his adorable cheek being squished against the couch. Catching your gaze he smiles back at you, melting you even more.

Jungkook being Jungkook, he doesn't listen, but what's new. Instead, he decides to get up and walk over to you.

You almost have a stroke when seeing his appearance.

He's gone without a shirt today, and given the heat, you wouldn't have been surprised if he just went around lounging around in his boxers all day. But thankfully he didn't, but it still didn't help that his tiny waist and sculpted upper body was on display.

"For fucks sake, put some damn clothes on would you?" You blurt out, making Jungkook's smirk widen.

Despite dating for almost three years, Jungkook still fucks you up every time you see him. He's so incredibly gorgeous you question how you two ever came to be... well all eight of you for that matter. Your seven boyfriends were all too good looking to be true and all with the sweetest personalities, it didn't seem real.

So with that, your brain short circuits and you're frozen in place as he wraps his arms around you, your face against his strong chest. He leans down to your ear and "whispers" to you "If you're so thirsty, I can give you something else?"

Once he pulls back he bursts out laughing at the look of pure disgust on your face and he gets louder when a pillow smacks the back of his head.

"Uh, yeah, no thanks. I'm hot and sweaty as it is." You cringe, walking to where the others are sprawled out.

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