[6] - cotton candy

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You and Hoseok arrived at home around 9 o'clock, the loud creak of the door alerting the others you were back. The sound of footsteps got increasingly louder, clearly headed in your direction.

A mad, pouty Seokjinnie came into view, hands perched on his small waist as he cutely glared at the two of you.

"Where the hell have you two been? Why are you home so late? Dinner's been ready for a while now and we're all hungry waiting for you too! Y/N why do you have hickeys—" Jinnie's rant cuts off as soon as he notices the bruises littering your neck. Heat rushes to his already red face, a mix of anger and embarrassment.

"Ah, Jin, don't worry. We just went to dance together." Hoseok says calmly as he wraps an arm around your waist.

Jin raises an eyebrow skeptically, his eyes looking directly at your neck, "You two just danced?"

"No." Hoseok simply replied, patting your butt softly.

You scoff at Hoseok's response, remembering how embarrassed he was right before the two of you left. You take your shoes off and head towards the bathroom.

"Where are you going, darling?" Hoseok asks, looking past a still angry Seokjin.

"Shower." you respond simply.

"Can I join yo-"

"I think you've done enough today!" Jin cuts off Hoseok, who's smiling smugly at him.

"Aww, Jinnie do you want to spend some time with me too?" Hoseok teases, wrapping his arms around the elders neck and pressing up against him.

Seokjin becomes a stuttering mess as his face, neck, and ears turn beet red. You hear Hoseok chuckle softly before your out of ear shot.

You shower quickly, wanting to eat and go to sleep as soon as possible. Shuffling into your room and getting dressed, you hear a commotion from the living room. You roll your eyes as you smile to yourself and head to where the drama was happening. Your eyes widen at the site before you: Taehyung was seated on an armchair, face flushed but that was a given since Jimin was currently giving him a lap dance. Jungkook and Yoongi were cheering him on while Jin and Hoseok were struggling to get them to calm down and get Jimin to stop.

"What the fuck..." you say out loud. You notice the empty bottles on the coffee table and assume that's the reason behind their behavior, but let's be honest, Jimin didn't have to be intoxicated to give any of you a lap dance.

Namjoon turns around at the sound of your voice. He gives you a soft smile as you come around to sit next to him.

"Care to tell me why Jimin is giving us a show." you say without looking at him, eyes locked on the way Jimin's rolling his hips.

"Well, everyone got tired of waiting for you and Hobi to show up, so Yoongi brought out the soju and here we are." Namjoon explains. You nod your head. Taehyung has gotten over the initial shock, a large hand on Jimin's waist. He looks up making eye contact with you, his long fringe covering his lust hazed eyes. He bites his lip and tilts his head to the side as he gazes at your body, then doing the same to Namjoon. The two of you inhale sharply and stiffen as he looks away and throws his head back and a moan escapes his lips.

The room is in even more chaos now. Yoongi is now on his knees. Is he praying to God to have mercy on him or is he trying to give Vmin a good succ, no one knows. Jungkook is fighting off 2seok in order to keep the show going and Jimin, he's having a good time from what you could tell.

"DON'T JUST SIT THERE! hELP US BEFORE THEY START FUCKING ON THE COUCH!" Jin screeches as Jimin goes to straddle Tae.

Namjoon makes his way over to Jungkook and successfully distracts him for enough time to throw the boy over his shoulder and take him to his room. With Jungkook gone, the three of you were able to pull Jimin off Tae and take them to their rooms to sober up.

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