[5] - vanilla 🔞

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Warning(s): Fingering and mild thigh riding

You and Jimin emerge from his room a few hours later, haven fallen asleep in each other's arms and woke by the craving for sustenance. You both raid the kitchen, pleased to find a new package of Oreo's. With the cookies and some milk, you and Jimin have a little feast in the living room watching a random drama that was on TV.

"Ah, so you've decided to rejoin civilization." Namjoon says as he stretches, eyes catching the way both of your lips are noticeably plumper from when he last saw the both of you.

"Yes, we have. It's good to see you again." You play along, causing Jimin to roll his eyes.

"Please, we weren't even gone for that long." Jimin huffs, dunking an Oreo into his milk.

"Lovely, the sun is going to set soon." Namjoon chuckles as he pinches his cheek.

You gaze out the open window, a surprisingly cool breeze blowing in, as the sky is painted with hues of orange and pink with the slightest hint of purple. You mindlessly stare, taking in the beautiful scene before you as indescribable emotions arise in your chest; your two boyfriends casting their loving gazes upon you in the golden streaks of the sunset.

The serene atmosphere was disrupted, when one of the bedroom doors opened, Hoseok walking in with his gym bag over his shoulder.

"Ah, you're back!" he cheers over-dramatically, giving you and Jimin a hug and kiss.

"Looks like you've been busy." You say pulling back from his hug, taking notice of the few hickeys littering his collar bone. Heat rises to Hoseok cheeks as he clears his throat, averting his gaze.

"Yeah sure..." he coughs.

"You're going to the studio?" Jimin asks, as a small smirk forms upon his lips. Hoseok nods his head as he plays with his hair. "It's getting late though."

"Yeah, but it's finally cooled down to the point I won't pass out due to heat stroke. And I was a bit... busy earlier, so..." Hoseok rubs the back of his neck, sending you a glare when you started giggling. "You know darling, you should come with me. I haven't seen you practice in a while."

You stop immediately, this time causing Namjoon and Jimin to stifle their laughter.

"No, I'm good!" you smile wearily.

He lets his gym bag slide off his shoulder before making his way over to you, strong arms hooking around your waist and hoisting you up effortlessly before heading down the hall proclaiming you need to get changed. After a quick ten minutes, half of that time was spent attempting to hold a staring contest with him, you were ready to go. Hopping into his car, Hoseok drives down to the dance studio.


"Alright, time to stretch!" Hoseok says turns the lights on, despite you having not step foot into the room yet.

Rolling your eyes, you drop your bag next to his before going to the center of the room and sitting in the straddle position. You both stretch for about 15 minutes, and you can tell that Hoseok plans to work you out tonight.

"Alright," Hoseok claps his hands together, "Let's get started." He reaches for his phone and hooks it up to the Bluetooth speaker. He plays two songs as warm ups before playing the song he's choreographing.

The beat of Say So by Doja Cat fills the room. A smile instantly forming on your lips as you lazily go through the choreo, allowing yourself to remember every move before you have to go full out.

Hoseok nods his head approvingly, restarting the song and getting in place near you.


It's been about two hours. The studio was hot and sticky despite the air conditioners efforts to combat it.

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