[7] - orange

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shout out to Alivia_js for suggesting the Once Upon a Dream idea! I hope you like it! also sorry again that the chapter took forever to be released, but luckily the next chapter is finished and is being edited, so it'll be up very soon!  -----------------------------------------------------------

High pitched chirps awaken you from your sleep. Groaning, you rub your eyes as they try to adjust to the soft peaks of light streaming through the window. Once you're half awake, you turn and face your sleeping boyfriend. His face squished against his pillow forming his plump lips into a little pout. You giggle quietly to yourself as you gently move some of his hair away from his face, staring at him for a few seconds before pressing a kiss to his nose and heading to the bathroom.

You hop into the shower and wash up before spending too much time thinking of random scenarios that will most likely never happen. After getting out and drying off, you brush your teeth and do your skincare routine before securing the towel around your body and heading back to your room. It would have been a quick walk down the hall, but…

"Ahh, baby you're such a tease," Taehyung's deep voice pulled you out of your thoughts, "Why do you do this to me, hmm?"

You roll your eyes and try to make your way past him, but he quickly wraps an arm around your waist pulling you flush to him. "And where do you think you're going?" he raises an eyebrow.

"I'm trying to get dressed," you smirk,  glancing up at him, noticing the way his gaze slightly darkens.

"Why, you look better with nothing on anyway," he says before moving his mouth down to your neck. You scoff at him just as he begins to place kisses along the column of your neck and his other arms coming to wrap around you. He somehow managed to move you around and press you against the wall. A sigh escapes you as you close your eyes and relish the feeling.

The sound of someone clearing their throat makes the both of you pull back to see who it was. You look to your right and see Yoongi with his arms crossed and Jimin clinging to him, resting his chin on the eldest shoulder with a smirk on his face.

"Can you two get a room?" Yoongi grimaces as Jimin snickers softly.

"No." Taehyung responds blankly before you can say anything. The complete look of indifference on his face and the monotone tone of his voice has you laughing causing all three of them to look at you. "What's so funny?" Taehyung asks, confused.

"You!" you pat his chest. His hold on you had loosened when he directed his attention away from you, giving you a chance of slipping away from his body.

"I guess he's still affected from what happened last night," Jimin says cheekily, looking directly in Taehyung's eyes.

Your laughter picks up again after remembering the events of the previous night. Yoongi and Taehyung both have noticeable blushes on their cheeks as the recent memories come back.

"Mm, maybe you're right Jimin. You should help him, or both of them, with that!" you wink at the three of them before finally getting to your room and getting dressed then going to eat.

A sleepy Namjoon greets you from the couch, a bowl of fruits on his lap and a smile on his lips. You give him a quick kiss, noting the taste of the fruits, strawberry, mango, and orange, before going into the kitchen.

"Morning, Y/N-ie!" Jin pulls you into a hug once you step foot into the kitchen.

"G'morning Jinnie!" you giggle softly, you return his embrace and pull away to find something to eat. You're happy to see that there's a bowl of the fresh fruits Joon was eating among other things, like rice, eggs, and sausage. You go to the cabinet and reach for a bowl and a plate, but they're taken from you before they're placed on the counter.

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